
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Revolution in South Asia - excerpts- Part 1

From Party of the Committees to Support Resistance - for Communism (CARC);

On Friday 2nd July, in Istanbul, within the European Social Forum, it washeld a seminar promoted and organized by the Anti-Imperialist Network of theForum, on the issue of revolution in South Asia. Speakers were Indra MohanSigdel, 'Basanta', member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of theUnified Communist Party of Nepal (maoist), and Paolo Babini, representativeof New Nepal Solidarity European Committees, and in charge of internationalrelations for the CARC Party (Italy) that joins the New Nepal SolidarityEuropean Committees.CARC Party - International Relations DepartmentRevolution in South Asia

Dear comrades and delegates,
Revolutionary greetings!

I would like to take this opportunity to extend our revolutionary salutationon behalf of our party, the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), tothe organiser, the European Social Forum, who invited our party to attendthis august programme in Istanbul, Turkey. In addition, I would like toextend our revolutionary greetings to the entire delegates participating inthis seminar. I feel honoured to be here with all the delegates from aroundthe world. But, more than that I would like to utilise this opportunity toshare experiences that the working class all across the world has gatheredthrough their valiant struggles against imperialism and its anti-people andneo-colonial policies like privatisation, liberalisation and globalisation,and as well the ruling classes subservient to it.Dear comrades, Our party has assigned me to speak here on the revolution in South Asia asrequested by the organisers. It is a vast course, a very difficult task tocover in a few minutes. However, I will try my best to be brief butcertainly I will focus on the key points to help you reach to the basicunderstanding of the possibilities and challenges, the revolution in SouthAsia is confronting now.South Asia consists of seven countries namely<> Bangladesh,<> Bhutan,<> India, the<> Maldives,<> Nepal,<> Pakistan and<> Sri Lanka. More than one-fifth ofthe world's population inhabit in this region. It is the most populous anddensely populated <>
geographical region in the world. Agriculture, which contributes to only 22%of the total GDP of the region, employs 60% of the labour force. Next toSub-Saharan Africa, South Asia is the poorest region on the earth. As perthe information provided by the World Bank, in 2008, more than 40% of thepeople dwelling in this region earn less than 1.39 dollars per head per day.On the other, the total wealth of the 25 richest Indian capitalists isequivalent to 192.3 billions of dollars. [Source:]. It isequal to the total yearly earnings of more than 379 millions of the lowestpoor people from this region, which is about 31.6% of the total populationof India alone. Around 2.1 million of children die of malnutrition everyyear in this region as per the report published by UNICEF in 2008. Thisgives a short glimpse of class composition in the South Asian countries.
Apart from sharp class contradictions in South Asian countries, there existserious national contradictions all across the region. Everyone is aware ofthe severity of national contradiction in Sri Lanka. The entire North-Eastand Kashmir of India have been the hotbeds of the national liberationmovements since 'independence'. Besides this, various oppressednationalities in Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Pakistan have been strugglingfor their autonomy and right of self-determination. Social discriminationsbased on Hindu caste chauvinism are beyond belief in India and Nepal. In allof the South Asian countries, the political system, which is erected uponthe base of feudalism but safeguarded by the superstructure of comprador andbureaucratic capitalism, has been the root cause to intensify the aforesaidcontradictions; let alone their resolution.The masses dwelling in this region are simultaneously down weighed bytwo-fold enemies, feudalism and imperialism. In addition, the Indianexpansionism on the one hand has been acting as a watchdog of the USimperialism in South Asia and on the other it has also been imposing its ownpolitical, economical and cultural hegemony upon the neighbouring countries.In the recent days, the Indian ruling classes are increasingly surrenderingto US imperialism in the latter's design to bring the entire region underits strategic grid to encircle and weaken China, which is a strong economiccontender of the 21st century.

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