
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Revolution in South Asia – excerpts Part 2

From Party of the Committees to Support Resistance - for Communism (CARC) – Italy;

In an interview with a Hsinhua News Agency correspondent, in September 29,1958, Mao had said, "The various types of contradictions in the contemporaryworld are concentrated in the vast areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America;these are the most vulnerable areas under imperialist rule and the stormcentres of world revolution dealing direct blows at imperialism". Thisassertion of Mao still holds good. But, in the present situation, South Asiahas emerged as a vulnerable area of imperialist rule and a living volcano ofthe New Democratic Revolution under the leadership ofMarxist-Leninist-Maoist parties. In addition to semi-feudal exploitation andsemi-colonial oppression, a broad section of the masses in this region havebeen victimised of internal national subjugation. The caste oppression upon Dalits, plundering of Adivasis and unbearable exploitation and repressionupon religious minorities has been the real identity of Hindu chauvinistruling classes, principally in India. A huge number of the working class people are thrown into destitution, which is ever escalating. In short, the sharp contradiction made up of feudalism plus imperialism versus the broad masses, extensive presence of the revolutionary, national liberation anddemocratic movements all across South Asian countries and a huge number of exploited and oppressed masses living in this region have heightened thisrevolutionary potential further.This region carries a long history of revolutionary class struggles.However, the first flame of the revolutionary class struggle in this regionhad ignited in 1967 from Naxalbari in Siliguri district, West Bengal, underthe ideological guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao-Tsetung thought. It notonly spread its influence to the extensive countryside of India but alsobecame a harbinger for the neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lankaand Nepal. Since then, the revolutionary class struggles have been, oneafter the other, going on with ups and downs, and twists and turns. However,the Maoist revolution has made a major forward leap mainly after theinitiation of the great people's war in Nepal in February 13, 1996 and themerger of two major revolutionary streams, the People's War and the MaoistCommunist Centre, to form the Communist Party of India (Maoist), in September 2004. In fact, these two political events have turned this regioninto a living volcano of the proletarian revolution in the beginning of the21st century.Subsequent to the aforesaid major political events on the part ofrevolutionaries, the Nepalese people's revolution has now reached to thethreshold of seizing central political power. The last May Daydemonstration, in which half a million people poured into the streets ofKathmandu valley alone, and the indefinite political strike that followedhas not only stroke at the heart of a handful of the comprador andbureaucratic bourgeoisie and the feudal elements in Nepal but also inflicteda forceful bow to their foreign masters as well. In order to protect theirpawns from losing their power, the external forces, mainly the Indianexpansionism, has now come in open to meddle in the internal affairs ofNepal. An alliance made up of Indian expansionism and its Nepalese puppetshave stood against Nepalese people's aspiration of democracy and nationalindependence. Now, the democracy and national independence are inseparablyinterconnected in Nepal. It has placed the struggle for nationalindependence, sovereignty and territorial integrity at the first place.New Democratic Revolution in India is making newer strides. It has engrosseda vast area in the eastern and the central part of India. The militaryoffences carried out by the CPI (Maoist) fighters, particularly for the lastfew years, and militant mass struggles led by the Maoists and other left forces against the seizure of peasant's land in Nandigram and Singur toprovide for big multinational companies have led to sleepless nights for the Indian reactionary ruling classes. Massive people's resistance in Lalgarh,West Bengal, against police atrocity remained a model never seen in thehistory of the Communist Movement of India. The development of people's warin India is of course a matter of pride and source of inspiration for therevolutionaries not only in the South Asian sub-continent but also theentire working class people all over the world.Indian ruling classes, instead of addressing the problems the country andpeople are confronting have deployed a huge number of paramilitary forcesagainst the poorest of the poor Indian people, the Adivasis. The anti-peopleact of "Operation Green Hunt" that the Indian expansionist ruling classeshave initiated is based upon the reactionary design to attack and destroythe new revolutionary political power emerging through the people's war. Itis, in fact, aimed at clearing the way to rampant attacks on the people andplunder of natural resources by the comprador big bourgeoisie, national andinternational. But, in the contrary, it has created a ground for widerrallying of a broad section of the left, progressive, democrats and entirepro-people forces against the anti-people ruling classes of India. A goodnumber of renowned intellectuals like Ms Arundhati Roy have come forward tostand by the poor Adivasis, oppose the paramilitary deployment in theAdivasi areas and expose the bankruptcy of the so-called biggest democracyof the world. People's war in India has now become a central agenda ofdiscussion, also among the middle class people. Even the big media housesrun by comprador big bourgeoisie cannot keep silent over the Maoistactivities in these days. It is a big ideological and political achievementfor the revolutionaries in India and abroad. Although there is a long history of armed struggle in Bangladesh, right atthe moment, the communist revolutionaries have not been able to make a leapforward. Some Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties have had some temporary setbacks with the capture of their senior leaders by the reactionary regimeand some others are regrouping and preparing to develop people's war. Inspite of this, sharp class contradiction, national oppression, andrevolutionary legacy of the past and as well the patriotic sentiment of theBangladeshi people make this country a highly potential one for thedevelopment of new democratic revolution in Bangladesh.Along with this, formation of the Communist Party of Bhutan (MLM) in 2001and a long existence of the Maoist Communist Party in Sri Lanka and theireffort to reorganise it have had an additional potential for the communistmovement in South Asia. Although any Maoist party doest not exist inPakistan right at the moment but the ideological struggle that some of therevolutionaries have been waging to build up a revolutionary party can havea positive implication in the near future. In this way, the entire SouthAsia except the Maldives, where no communist party is heard about yet, is astrong potential base for the world communist movement. In other words,South Asia is a living volcano of proletarian revolution in the beginning ofthe 21st century.However, it is a fact that the more the development of proletarianrevolution the more formidable is the challenge for the reactionaries.Indian expansionism, backed by the US imperialism, has been standing as acommon enemy since long not only against the Indian masses but those of theentire region as well. In order to contain the new democratic revolutions inthis region the reactionaries the world over have rallied together againstthe people more strongly than before. As a result, the South Asia isbecoming a front of collision between two fronts: one formed of theproletariat and their class allies national and international and otheralliance formed of the imperialists and their lackeys from the individualcountries. A new world in South Asia is now gestating in the womb of thiscontradiction.In the present era of imperialism, the proletarian revolution does notremain a phenomenon merely of a single country. It is affected by manyinterconnected factors. The victory of any communist revolution is linkedwith the objective condition of the world and subjective strength of theinternational proletariat. Lets us have a short look on these two factors inthe world level.Objectively, the world situation is not as unfavourable for revolution as itwas during 80s and 90s. Rather it is becoming favourable for the proletariatto make revolutions. It is not that a revolutionary crisis has alreadyemerged all across the world, but it is an objective reality that theimperialist system has fallen in more acute problems than it had before. Theeconomic crisis that had emerged from US, the imperialist ringleader, hasnow engulfed the whole world although in varying dimensions. In spite of theEuropean Union's effort to resolve the economic crisis in Greece, theirevery attempt has turned futile, leading to further crisis. It is just anexample.Though no rival to the US imperialism has emerged yet in terms of militarystrength but its contradiction with other military and economic super powersis on the rise in the world. Once a uni-polar world has now changed into amulti-polar one. The contradiction between capital and labour isintensifying all across the world. And also the contradiction betweenimperialism and the entire oppressed nations and the people, which is theprincipal contradiction in the world at present, is also sharpening. Withthe intensification of all the basic contradictions, including the principalone, the objective situation is becoming more favourable to the proletariat,than to the imperialist, to advance revolutionary class struggles all acrossthe world. In the contrary, the international communist movement is very weak in termsof its subjective strength. However, this too is developing positively. Theadvance made by revolutionary class struggles in various countries, mainlyin the South Asia, is an undeniable example. Apart from this, people's angerthat spilled into the streets against privatisation, liberalisation andglobalisation for the last few years shows the potentiality of revolutionall across the world. What does the proletariat seriously lack at present isto correctly grasp the universality of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, its resolveto fight right revisionism, the main danger in the contemporary communistmovement, and build up communist parties based on this ideology and therebyapply it creatively in agreement with the particularity of the givencountry. This is the ideological and political challenge that theproletariat needs to consciously confront today and emerge victorious in itto fill the gap that exists between the favourably developing objectiveworld situation and still very weak subjective strength.We, the proletariat, are an internationalist class. We the revolutionariesin South Asia and the comrades from other part of the world have reciprocalduties to develop proletarian revolution all across the world. Thedevelopment of people's revolution in South Asia has been instrumental toequip you with valuable revolutionary assets that ideologically inspire youto advance the communist movement in your respective countries and your firmsupport to and solidarity with us will be instrumental to make therevolution in South Asia victorious. This seminar, in fact, has helpedaccelerate this process. Let all of us unequivocally thank the organiser tomake it happen.

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