
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Serious consequences if the “global-warming-is-a scam” crowd get their way

There have been all kinds of messages coming from the Tea Party and while some are just politics as usual, some are very dangerous ideas. One of the most dangerous is to get people to believe that all the scientist working on global climate change are running a scam.
What would they get out of this? That is a good question to ask since it is so obvious what the anti-global warming crowd want. They don’t want to spend any more money on projects to slow down or stop the production of carbon being released in the air. They don’t want anyone telling them they need smaller more efficient cars to drive. They don’t want to spend more on the way they live nor do they want to change the way they live.
Some of the arguments cited in the New American by the“global-warming-is-a scam” crowd:
Global warming alarmists are scrambling to save face after hackers stole hundreds of incriminating e-mails from a British university and published them on the Internet.
The messages were pirated from the
Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (UEA) and reveal correspondence between British and American researchers engaged in fraudulent reporting of data to favor their own climate change agenda.
And there is bound to be those who dispute part of The New York Times report;
The evidence pointing to a growing human contribution to global warming is so widely accepted that the hacked material is unlikely to erode the overall argument. However, the documents will undoubtedly raise questions about the quality of research on some specific questions and the actions of some scientists.
There just is no way to prove that humans have not contributed to rising CO2 emissions since each day we drive millions of cars
Mans pollution can be found in Antarctica. There just is no way to prove that humans have not contributed to rising CO2 emissions since each day we drive millions of cars and we have had factories belching out millions of tons of CO2 for the last 200 years. At one time, people couldn’t walk the streets of London and we are supposed to believe this has not affected on us.
Arctic ice is melting:
Polar ice is melting at both the poles at record numbers. That’s happening now. We have photos of ice free Arctic Ocean seas and scientist have been measuring Antarctic ice at the Peninsula. We don’t micrometers to measure this. We only need cameras to photograph the ice and compare it with years past to realize that it is disappearing.
For a further list of dangers check the National Geographic News.
Parts of the Midwest may become un-farmable due to desert like conditions. And some of these same farmers don’t want any regulations on emissions they put out.
This is not debatable, it is real. The increase in storms are real. To claim that climate change is a scam is reckless and dangerous. People who ignore this are like the proverbial ostrich sticking he head in the ground to not see danger. This denial is both dangerous and foolish.
-សតិវ អតុ

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