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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Evolution embarrasses Kansans once again

The whole country, by now, is aware of the controversy of evolution in the state of Kansas. For those who aren’t up on the situation, the Kansas State School Board will probably either drop evolution from required science or insist on Intelligent Design (ID).
Intelligent design sounds innocent enough, at first. The process of creation is too complex to be random. That doesn’t sound controversial since evolution could be argued to have a pattern and intent. But the ID people are creationists. Their view of creation is that a big invisible man in the heavens did a magic show, said a few magic words and the universe was created 6,000 years ago.
These people, with totally ridiculous arguments, ridicule studying fossils, carbon dating and all manor of physical science.
*They argue that the universe was created 6,000 years ago, even though we can see the light from galaxies millions of light years away.
*Living cells are simply too complex to have evolved from chemicals. This is like arguing that the Keebler Elves made the Empire State Building in the trees because it is simply too complex for the human mind.
*There is no evidence that one species evolved to another. They ignore all the new evidence that now proves conclusively that birds evolved from dinosaurs. Tyrannosaurus Rex is related to the common sparrow and we now know that.
These arguments might seem funny or amusing if the ID proponents weren’t bombarding The Wichita Eagle with letters complaining that “evolution has so many hole in it, that most scientists are now questioning it all together.” These people want to teach our youngsters that the universe was created during a magic show rather than teach them science.
Kansas’ folly is getting noticed all across the country. The newspaper Revolution, May 15, 2005, reported:

“To get a sense of the sweeping anti-science agenda at work here, one has only to note that the first Kansas board of education decision, back in 1998, did not stop at removing important aspects of biological evolution from their science standards. That same 1998 Board decision also eliminated statements mandating that Kansas students study the evidence that the earth is much older than 10,000 years, the theory of plate tectonics (the motion of the earth’s crust) and the Big Bang. The 1998 decision led to such outrage that those Board members were voted out, and their rules overturned; but now the "Flat Earthers" are back in charge and poised to attack evolution again.”

As for the Kansas School Board: ‘And now for our next magic trick’

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