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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Bush supports mixing science and fairy tales

If the debate in Kansas over evolution weren’t bad enough, now our ignorant president has jumped in. He now believes intelligent design should be taught along side evolution.
“I think part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought,” President George Bush was quoted by The Wichita Eagle, August 2, 2005.
That’s great for politics or philosophy and even science. The problem is that intelligent design (ID) is not science at all. There is plenty to debate about evolution - - except that there are NO OTHER SCIENTIFIC explanations for the process of life surviving and evolving over millions of years.
ID completely rejects evolution and states that “somebody” (God or someone like him) designed the universe since it is way to complex to evolve out of chemicals. That just isn’t science. Once the ID people get past their clever arguments against evolution, they talk of a God who creates the entire universe during a six day magic show, only 6,000 years ago. This is a scientific impossibility that ignores carbon dating, fossil records and just about everything else involved in science.
It’s not surprising that a president, who has blundered the economy, miss-managed a war we never needed and won an election without being able to make a single intelligent statement during a debate, would say this. He needs support from somebody, why not the religious fundamentalist fanatics.
He is one, if not THE, dumbest president in the history of this country. The only thing he was known for doing as Texas governor was executing people and at the rate he was going, he probably took some innocent lives. He used oil money for a huge campaign chest and his daddy’s name to get elected. During the Vietnam War, he smoked pot, snorted cocaine and drank heavy with his frat buddies while poor people went to fight in the war.
And he can still pass himself off as a “patriot” during an election. So he now sends our sons and daughters to their deaths, while all of his family is safe and secure..
ID is for the unintelligent, uninformed and religiously stubborn. No wonder Bush now sucks up to them. We don’t have all the facts on Evolution, but there ARE no other scientific competing schools of thought.

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