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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Operation SouthWind needs to blow away!

“A Sedgwick County District Court grand jury convened Monday to investigatewhether local businesses that sell sex-related items are violating obscenity laws.On one side in the fight are stores such as the Adult Super Store on South Broadway, whose sign reads "Freedom to Choose." On the other side is

Operation SouthWind,

a group that collected thousands of signatures from people who think the magazines, videos and gadgets that sex shops sell are obscene.”
--According to The Wichita Eagle, Sep. 20, 2005.
This brings up an important issue. Why do we need some organization to tell us what we should read and were we can shop?
Of the shops they have targeted as obscene, two: Priscilla's, 6143 W. Kellogg, Wichita and Zigefields, 4200 W. Kellogg, Wichita,
have been here for years, without incident. To now label them obscene is absurd.
Other stores affected included:
• After Dark Video, 7805 W. Kellogg
• Camelot Cinema, 1515 S. Oliver

• X-citement Video, 220 E. 21st St. N.
• X-citement Video, 1306 E. Harry

Operation SouthWind

is a just another band of religious fascists, kooks, anal retentive, uptight sex-phobic puritans and we don’t need them in our city or state. Their name is well chosen - they’re full of hot air and need to dry up and blow away.
We can decide for ourselves where we want to shop and what we want to read. Some of us don’t care for much of the religious nonsense being sold in some stores here in town. How would Operation SouthWind

like it if we decided to ban them from reading those books.
Who made them experts on our community standards anyway? They are just wasting the time of the Sedgwick County District Court. There are nearly 500,000 people living in this area. They can’t even speak for half of them. If they succeed in this action, we might as well live in Iran. And that is where they belong, a country that really hates sex. There are countries all over the Middle-east that brutally suppress sex and women.
Maybe the supporters of Operation SouthWind should move to one of those countries?


Opertion SouthWind blow away, you’re not needed here.

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