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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Kansas School Board trashes science standards

Upset? Who can blame him?
He’s smarter than Bob Corkins.

The new science standards for Kansas schools are one more piece of the puzzle, of an agenda designed to render public education a dead a useless institution. Recently they put a man in the position of “education commissioner,” who was a lobbyist against public funding for education. Since he had no experience for the job, he has tried to hire consultants, at the taxpayer’s expense, to tell him how to do his job. He had no experience holding any other office.
Now they have trashed our science standards and sent Kansas Schools back to the middle ages.
The new standards are highly critical of evolution and clearly favor a religious explanation for the existence of life on earth, as well as denying evolutionary changes. They include many of the arguments of the Intelligent Design school of thought.
At this point, it would be an insult to the apes to suggest we descended from them. Apes are smarter than the idiots that the fundamentalist Christian right has voted in charge of our education system.

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