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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s day is coming soon

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday is on the same day as mine. Maybe that’s a coincidence. One thing I do know is that King proved you could be both non-violent and a non-coward. His people stood up to water cannons, attack dogs and club wielding cops. But they marched for civil-rights and won. They didn’t end racism in Amerikkka, but hey did bring about the voting rights act. Others, such as Malcolm X and the Black Panthers also did their part to promote the rights of Afro-Americans. But many people agree it started with M.L. King. Stokely Carmichael, who changed his name to Kwame Ture, was inspired by King and went on to join the Black Panthers. On 16th June, he made his famous Black Power speech. Carmichael called for "black people in this country to unite, to recognize their heritage, and to build a sense of community". He also advocated that African Americans should form and lead their own organizations and urged a complete rejection of the values of American society.
The M. L. King "I Have A Dream"Speech, and
The King Center.

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