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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Take the People's Mojahedin Organization off the US official terrorists list

Anyone opposed to the present regime of Iran would have to be a complete idiot to oppose a well organized armed group that began fighting the Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi regime.
But we have President George Bush for national idiot, who will probably have us at war with Iran by summer and he refuses to take the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran off the US official terrorists lists. The had plenty of experience fighting both the Shah’s regime and the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini regime. And yet our idiot president will keep them out of any planned resistance. We can also be fairly certain Bushwill keep, under the designation of “terrorists,” the Communist Party of Iran (MLM), even though many of their members also have had experience fighting the Khomeini regime and the Shah.
But Bush wants yes men, idiots and puppets as the ones he installed in Iraq. So our governnet will probably end up fighting these groups on the battlefield and claiming that the are part of the war on terror.
For more information:

Iran: Take People's Mojahedin off terror list ? Stockholm rally

28 January 2006
NCRI – Undeterred by sub-zero temperature, hundreds of supporters of the Iranian Resistance staged a rally before the Swedish parliament on Thursday to express their full support to the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran.

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