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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

We lost an important feminist writer

Betty Friedan was one of the first to emerge in the late 1960s along with Gloria Stienem to begin challenging the male dominated society we used to live in.
When I was a young boy, everyone considered the idea of women doctors or lawyers a joke. TV sitcoms laughed at the idea. Today there are anti-feminists female writers and pundits who refer to these women as “femi-nazis” and blame much of societies problems on them. Yet these women would not have their jobs if it weren’t for these feminists. Right-wing shit-head women, such as Ann Coulter would not have their jobs without the feminists movement. Yet few women have bashed it harder than Coulter.

According to the USATODAY:

“WASHINGTON (AP) — Betty Friedan, whose manifesto The Feminine Mystique became a best seller in the 1960s and laid the groundwork for the modern feminist movement, died Saturday, her birthday. She was 85.”

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