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Monday, March 06, 2006

Take off the rose colored glasses - Turkey

Once again, there is a lot of armed action against the US empire, in countries that are supposed to be stable allies of the U.S. Is this making our local news – our national news? No. It is being ignored. How long can our leaders and their puppet news media continue to white wash the information they give us?
I received this from

(This article is translated from the “Worker-Peasant” newspaper’s 41st edition)

During january and february, TKP/ML TIKKO organized military actions against the fascist institutions. “To commemorate our martiers and to strenghten our struggle, the militants of TKP/ML TIKKO Karadeniz (Black Sea) Regional Command targeted the fascist state.”
On 25th of January, TKP/ML TIKKO bombed the office of MHP (Nationalist Movement Party-knowns as Gray Wolfs) at 16.30 in Trabzon. MHP is a fascist party that organizes lynching campaigns against the revolutionary democratic people. On the 6th of April, in Trabzon and on the 2nd of November in Rize, they tried to lynch the members of TAYAD. Also they organized lynching campaigns over the members of Kurdish national movement in Afyon, Bozuyuk, Ayvalik, Eskisehir.
On the announcement of TKP/ML, “We know that state would not punish these fascists. The attacks over the members of TAYAD and patriotic people of Kurdish people are the attacks over the all progressive, revolutionary, democratic forces and our people. As grasping the meaning of these attacks with this consciousness, we bombed the officis of MHP and it’s youth organization that organizes these lynching campaigns.”
On the 2nd of November, the members of TAYAD who visited the graves of revolutionary martiers, Canan and Zehra Kulaksýz, tried to be lynched by the fascist groups in Rize. And the head of the municipality of Rize actively supported these lynching campaigns. To punish this fascist person, Halil Bakirci, TKP/ML TIKKO bombed his office on the 25th of January at 14.30.
On the announcement of the TKP/ML, it is declared that the mayor of Merzifon was bombed on the 25th of January at 16.30. In Merzifon, there is a NATO base.
On the 27th of January at 16.30 mayor of Malatya in Turkey’s Kurdistan was bombed by the TKP/ML TIKKO. The chauvenistic attacks over the Kurdish people have been raised during the last year. Fascism organizes military operations against the guerilla forces, counterguerilla attacks over the progressive people and imprisoned hundreds of revolutionary democratic patriotic Kurdish people. The mayor of Malatya is infamous with it’s counter revolutionary practices and became a target of TKP/ML.
And on the 27th of January, Turkish-American Assosiation was bombed by the militants of TKP/ML. On the announcement, it is mentioned that these civil assosiations are the tools of the US imperialism in attacking all the peoples of the world. Their goal is raising the collaboration and creating support for the imperialist aggresiveness. Because of these activities, this assosiation was bombed by the TKP/ML.
Also, the militants of TMLGB - Marxist-Leninist Youth Unity of Turkey- (the comsomol -youth organization- of TKP/ML) organized tactical attacks against imperialist banks. On the 10 th of January, 2 banks in Mersin and on the 20th of January, 2 banks in Istanbul were attacked by the militants of TKP/ML TMLGB

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