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Thursday, April 20, 2006

SNOBS want to build a Wall

We can tell the snobs and the petite bourgeoisie are taking over when they want to hide the poor. In other words: “out of site, out of mind.” Or to put it more bluntly: “There are too many FUCKING SNOBBS” in Kansas’ largest city; Wichita.

According to The Wichita Eagle, Apr. 19, 2006:

“Robert Garst tries to keep his south Wichita yard tidy. But he says at least one of his neighbors in the manufactured home park that borders his property has a different philosophy.
Foot-long broken tree limbs cover his neighbor's porch. And a small shed that sits next to Garst's property line has a large hole in it through which, he says, snakes come and go freely.
"As far as trailer houses go, as long as they take care of them, that's their right," he said. "But take care of them if you want to live there."
Garst is in favor of proposed changes in city and county zoning codes that would require existing manufactured-home parks to put up a visual barrier anywhere they border conventional homes.
New parks already have to build 6- to 8-foot walls, plant a line of evergreens or construct some other visual barrier where they abut other residences.”
The tacky looking new homes that are being built in this area, as if homes will be extinct next year, aren’t all that attractive to begin with. But wealthy people with uniform looking homes give them a sense of superiority against the less wealthy. To wall those people in makes them feel even more superior. They can actually cage the “little people.”
It’s too bad there is no concern that some of these people are having a hard time making it and finding work in this community that allows them to buy better homes. But this is a bastion of Republicans who feel only wealthy people have value and greed and snobbery are a “Christian Value.” It’s all part of living in Kansas.

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