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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Proceeding with plans to drive Bush out

What is at stake: a series of speakers on the Bush RegimeIn early June, the World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime will be holding a series of events delving deeply into different aspects of the Bush Regime’s crimes and the reasons that they must be driven out. The banning of abortion and birth control, the attacks on science, the criminal negligence in the run-up to and aftermath of Katrina, and the role the Democratic Party is playing in relation to this Regime and in relation to the movement to drive it out. These are issues and events that are challenging people’s assumptions and shaking up the national debate.

June 5th·
The Battle over Evolution and the Importance of Critical Thought. Dr. David Kohn, editor of the Darwin Manuscripts.

June 6th
Event- Esther Kaplan, Author of “With God on Their Side: How Christian Fundamentalists Trampled Science, Policy, and Democracy in George W. Bush's White House" speaks on the alarming rise of the Christian Right under the Bush Administration @ 6:30pm; The Church of St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 West 86th Street & West End ave

June 7thEvent- Ted Glick of Climate Crisis Coalition and speaker at the Bush Crimes Commission on Global Warming and the Bush Administration's Destruction of the Environment @ 6:30pm; the Metropolitan Community Church (446 West 36th Street

June 8th
Event- Why the Democrats Won't Stand and Fight: And Why YOU MUST w/ Sunsara Taylor, contributing writer to Revolution Newspaper; Dave Lindorff, author of This Can’t Be Happening, widely published investigative journalist, and regular columnist for Counterpunch; Stanley Rogouski, freelance writer and photographer; and more speakers

June 9th
Event w/ author Cristina Page of "How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America: Freedom, Politics, and the War on Sex" will discuss the Christian fundamentalist attack on contraception and sex education. Introduced by World Can’t Wait student organizer Leah Fishbein.

OK, I don’t live in New York City, but maybe we can do something here in the mid-west (those of us who live here).

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