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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) supports attacks on Israel

Joint Military Communiqué:
Two rockets fired at Zionist military concentrations in the Nahal al-Awz area.

The Martyr Ra'id Muslih Unit of the Brigades of the Patriotic Resistance, the detachment of the Martyr Ayman Jawdah of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, and the Martyr Isma`il Sa`idani Unit of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades bombarded a concentration of occupation forces and vehicles in the Nahal al-Awz area east of the city of Ghazza with two advanced rockets at precisely 10:55am today, Wednesday, 12 July 2006. The roar of explosions were heard inside the target area and Apache helicopters flew into the skies over the area, but the detachment withdrew safely. Afterwards Zionist army radio acknowledged a two-rocket strike.This operation comes in response to the terror of the Zionists, to their hideous crime in the ash-Shaykh Ridwan area in which seven victims were martyred, to the continuous bombardment by their engines of death on the northern and eastern parts of our defiant Ghazza district, and to their military penetration into the al-Qararah area.We in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, and the Patriotic Resistance Brigades declare that resistance is a strategic means for achieving our legitimate national rights and the total liberation of all the land of our country. We declare our total preparedness to resist the occupation and its aggression.We pledge that the enemy's crimes will not go unpunished!Homeland or Death! Victory or martyrdom!We will surely win!12 July 2006.Source:

PFLP: the operation to capture Zionist soldiers in south Lebanon is a new slap at the enemy leadership and an _expression of real support by Hizballah for the Palestinian People.The Popular Front for the liberation of Palestine sent a letter to Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, the General Secretary of Hizballah, in which it expressed the pride of the Popular Front, of its Political Bureau, its Central Committee, its cadres, members, and the masses of our people in the Lebanese Resistance, which sent a message from all its members to the Zionist troops expressing real, fraternal, and militant support by Hizballah for the Palestinian people and their patriotic and Islamic movement, and for our blockaded people in proud, steadfast Ghazza.The Popular Front stressed that this operation by Hizballah delivers a new slap at the enemy leaders and their unprecedented arrogance and bluster. It shows our Arab Nation and all sincere people that the path of resistance is the best way to put an end to this criminal policy and to the Zionists' continued violations of all international norms and accords.The Popular Front also expressed its pride in Hizballah and its continuous support of our people, reaffirming the need to continue along the path of resistance until the occupation is driven off and all its plans and barbaric activities are brought to naught.12 July 2006.Source:

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