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Thursday, September 28, 2006

War protesters arrested at House office building

This is just in from the A.P. The government and George Bush are getting testy as the American public refuses to simply put up with more of this war. We’ve all had enough of it. We know it’s for oil and has nothing to do with democracy. We can only expect more of this as more people refuse to put up with Bush and his henchmen’s stupidity.
This is beginning to look more and more like Vietnam.

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON -- Several dozen demonstrators protesting the Iraq war
marched Wednesday to the Capitol building carrying mock coffins and
lay down in front of doorways at a House office building, where some
were arrested.

Many covered themselves with sheets designed to make them resemble
dead bodies.

"I had to bring my body down here to say no," Paki Wieland said as
she waited in line to get on a police bus.

The protest was organized by the Declaration of Peace, a coalition of
about 500 groups that has organized Iraq war protests around the
United States since Sept. 21, to coincide with the United Nations
International Day of Peace.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The world can't wait - Oct. 5

YOUR GOVERNMENT, on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq, with other countries in their sights.

YOUR GOVERNMENT is openly torturing people, and justifying it.

YOUR GOVERNMENT puts people in jail on the merest suspicion, refusing them lawyers, and either holding them indefinitely or deporting them in the dead of night.

YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving each day closer to a theocracy, where a narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism will rule.

YOUR GOVERNMENT suppresses the science that doesn't fit its religious, political and economic agenda, forcing present and future generations to pay a terrible price.

YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving to deny women here, and all over the world, the right to birth control and abortion.

YOUR GOVERNMENT enforces a culture of greed, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance.

People look at all this and think of Hitler - and they are right to do so. The Bush regime is setting out to radically remake society very quickly, in a fascist way, and for generations to come.

We must act now; the future is in the balance.

Millions and millions are deeply disturbed and outraged by this. They recognize the need for a vehicle to express this outrage, yet they cannot find it; politics as usual cannot meet the enormity of the challenge, and people sense this. There is not going to be some magical "pendulum swing." People who steal elections and believe they're on a "mission from God" will not go without a fight. There is not going to be some savior from the Democratic Party. This whole idea of putting our hopes and energies into "leaders" who tell us to seek common ground with fascists and religious fanatics is proving every day to be a disaster, and actually serves to demobilize people.

But silence and paralysis are NOT acceptable. That which you will not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn - or be forced - to accept. There is no escaping it: the whole disastrous course of this Bush regime must be STOPPED. And we must take the responsibility to do it. And there is a way. We are talking about something on a scale that can really make a huge change in this country and in the world. We need more than fighting Bush's outrages one at a time, constantly losing ground to the whole onslaught. We must, and can, aim to create a political situation where the Bush regime's program is repudiated, where Bush himself is driven from office, and where the whole direction he has been taking society is reversed. We, in our millions, must and can take responsibility to change the course of history. Acting in this way, we join with and give support and heart to people all over the globe who so urgently need and want this regime to be stopped.

This will not be easy. If we speak the truth, they will try to silence us. If we act, they will try to stop us. But we speak for the majority, here and around the world, and as we get this going we are going to reach out to the people who have been so badly fooled by Bush and we are NOT going to stop. The point is this: history is full of examples where people who had right on their side fought against tremendous odds and were victorious. And it is also full of examples of people passively hoping to wait it out, only to get swallowed up by a horror beyond what they ever imagined.

The future is unwritten. WHICH ONE WE GET IS UP TO US.

There are worldcantwait chapters in Chicago and Washington DC...check out the website..they will have their information..

From the Marxist-Leninist-Revolutionaries (MLR) of IRAQ

Iraqi Poem:

ر سالة الي د يرير شيفوليت ورفاقه في سجن بلجيكا

والي كلارا

ايتها ا لرياح لتتوقفي عن الد وران

اذا لم تنشدي لي نشيد الاممية !

ايتها الشمس

لتغربي ابدا

اذا لم تروي عطشي للشيوعية !

ايها الماء

لتجف اللحظة

اذا لم تروي عطشي للشيوعية !

ايتها الجبال

لتكوني ارضا جرد اء

اذا لم تينع فيك زهور الشيوعية !

ايها العازف

لتقطع اوتار كمانك

اذا لم تعزف الحان انتصار الشيوعية !

ايها الفنان

لتتحول الوانك الي الرمادي

اذا لم ترسم ضحكة الشيوعية !

ايها السجن لتنهار

اذا كان بين جد رانك سجينا

بهموم الشيوعية !

ايها الجندي

لتنكسر فوهة بندقيتك

اذا لم تقف في خندق الشيوعية !

ايها الشاعر

لتتحول الهامك الي حجر

اذا تسمرنا بقصاند الشيوعية !

ايها الرواني

لتقف ذاكرتك

اذا لم تكتب عن حب الشيوعية !

ايها العالم

لتتحول الي انقاض

اذا لم تحيا الشيوعية !

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Kansas Wing-nut Kline shits on his own nest

Statement on Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline's "Memo"

We, the undersigned clergy persons and religious leaders, are incensed by the recent memorandum that was leaked from Attorney General Phill Kline's office, the authenticity of which has been confirmed by his staff. It is evident that in his quest to garner contributions and votes from conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist congregations, Kline has asked churches to walk dangerously close to the line drawn by the Internal Revenue Service that prohibits nonprofit organizations from supporting political candidates. In fact, Kline has asked them to cross that line.

Yes, Kline certainly has the right to speak at select houses of worship, but, as his memo indicates, he has another agenda. Does not asking pastors to identify the five members of their congregations with the deepest pockets and assembling groups of lay people to be campaign workers constitute a blatant violation of IRS Code Section 501(c)3? The Attorney General of the State of Kansas, of all people, should know better.

In certain religious circles in this nation, there is a burgeoning tendency to eradicate the demarcation that separates church and state. The assumption, for many Christians, is that our faith will somehow become more legitimate if it is legislated. Ignoring the first ten words of the First Amendment, candidates on the far right are exploiting this mindset for political means. This is not only unconstitutional, but it is an utter offense to those of us who are being asked to give to Caesar that which belongs to God.

Shame on Phill Kline for exploiting communities of faith for political gains. His modus operandi is apparent when one compares the image of the incumbent who altruistically seeks to convey his faith story (albeit with congregations comprised of parishioners more likely to agree with his political stances) with the image of the candidate who cautions his staff that, once he shares the Good News, to "Get me out . . .I am spending too long at these events."

Regardless of which side of the aisle one worships God from, dressing a political campaign in the wool of Christian witness makes a mockery of our churches and a charade of our political system. It may mask the identity of the wolf beneath, but its howl is quite distinguishable.

An earnest plea to all of us, to all our sisters and brothers of faith, many of whom subscribe to more conservative forms of Christianity: we may disagree on social, political, and doctrinal issues. That's fine. The Christian Church is by no means a monolith. However, when the Gospel is co-opted for political means, it subverts the grace it bequeaths. Do not be deceived by those who seek your endorsement under the guise of spiritual righteousness, but lull you into idolatry. Their hands may be on The Bible when they stand in your pulpits, but their eyes are focused solely on the polls.

The separation of church and state, or religion and government, not only protects democracy; it protects the sacred worship spaces that are so integral to our lives.

Rev. John Tamilio, III, Co-Chair, Mainstream Voices of Faith
Rev. Don Anderson
Rev. Vern Barnett
Rev. Thom Belote
Rev. Dr. William R. Clark
Rev. JoAnn DeFrain
Rev. Frank L. Dorsey
Rev. Arthur L. Foster
Rev. Kenneth K. Grenz
Rev. Larry Keller

Rev. Dr. Peter A. Luckey

Dr. George A. McCall

Rev. Dr. Robert Meneilly
Rev. Holly McKissick
Rev. Jennifer Parker
Cantor Paul C. Silbersher
Rev. Phyllis C. Southard
Rev. Susanna W. Southard
Rev. George Tormohlen

Contact Us:

5350 West 94th Terrace
Suite 103
Prairie Village, KS 66207

Phone: (913) 649-3326

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thank a Vet for your gas

If you love driving your gas guzzling SUV

Thank a Vet! (who is probably someone elses kid, who can't even afford to drive an SUV)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Kansans should oppose torture

It’s no surprise that our two senatorial clones of President George Bush have supported their leader and favored using torture. But Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan and But Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan aren’t getting a free ride with the press. The Wichita Eagle, Wednesday, printed an editorial called “Oppose Torture.” In it the Eagle editorial board said:

“Several leading GOP senators are taking a brave stand against the Bush administration's creeping moral relativism on torture, which threatens not only this nation's authority on human rights but also its success in the war on terror.
The outcome of this debate touches on the nation's soul, on our very identity and ideals as Americans.
Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., backs the president's position -- no surprise. But Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., has been mostly silent so far. Why?
Brownback has been a notable conservative champion of human rights abroad, opposing the brutal treatment of prisoners in North Korea, Iran and elsewhere.”

There little support for our use of torture in the rest of the world. How can this country champion human rights when it can’t practice what it preaches. And the war is more about keeping the oil flowing to a society that over-consumes it anyway.
Torture is inexcusable! It’s up to Americans to put an end to it!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

What’s happening in Peru?

Recently a person --- In MAOIST_REVOLUTION@ yahoogroups. com, wrote:

I am from India..and a student.I am interested to know , what is the
present condition of the Shining path? Is the movement totally stopped
after the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo..?

This letter was sent in as a reply:
Hi, they still exist and may have anywhere from 600-3,000 fighters, the numbers are very difficult to come by. They are but a shadow of their former selves, though, but since year 2000, they have been active all over the country, including Cajamarca and near Piura. Lately, they have showed up again in Puno. They are taking a softer line, buying animals from the peasants instead of taking them at gunpoint. The radical attacks on the rest of the Left have basically ceased, so it is not the same Shining Path as in the 1980's-1992.

They are definitely active in the Huallaga Valley, Apurimac and Ayahusco and of course in the Satipo Valley where they have their main base. A few years ago, they were organizing in the shantytowns of Lima again. A lot of the Leftists are disenchanted with them. FARC has been moving into Peru in the past couple of years in a major way and has been finding lots of support with former Sendero supporters. I'm not opposed to FARC like most on this board probably are. Lord knows, Peru needs some kind of a revolution.
BTW, the FARC in Colombia is really huge and has branched out into all the surrounding countries. They have a large front in Venezuela, they have a front, FARE, in Ecuador, they have R and R in northern Peru and southern Panama, they have a front, FARB, in Brazil and lately they are even in Guyana taxing gold smugglers. It's a huge movement. It may not be Maoist, but lord knows it's better than the fascist government.

News From Peru

Lima, 06.09.06 Según informa el diario El Correo, en la localidad de Canchapalca, en Huancayo, una columna del maoísta Ejercito Popular de Liberación ocupo la mina de Jalaycocha a las 23.30 h del lunes.

El destacamento, fuertemente armado y uniformado,estaba formado por una veintena de combatientes que reunieron a los trabajadores y les arengaron contra la explotacion y pidieron su apoyo a la guerra popular. Despues se retiraron llevando consigo equipos de radio y alimentos.

Fuerzas militares reaccionarias han sido desplazadas a la zona en un operativo de busqueda.

correovermello noticias esta para servir de las masas populares en el conocimiento de las noticias de la Revolucion Proletaria Mundial

saudos vermellos / saludos rojos


Friday, September 15, 2006

Iraqi Revisionism : from the Marxist-Leninist-Revolutionaries of Iraq

Translated from:
The article, published in The Sun newspaper red

Revisionism movement cling to the Iraqi interim constitution The era of the Republic of Abdel-Karim Qassem dogs Alberjawa uniform

Movement revisionism Iraqi Ted vinegar bringing to the capitalist system of outlets under the hand counting Excuses of the interim constitution to the era of bourgeois military regime in 1958 and elections By which will be elected symbols of the state capital in order to close the Iraqi history This capitalist system is the crux of the matter, we have to say that the constitutions adopted elsewhere Regulations tyranny bourgeois dictatorship in a row there were Dr. Sater designed for the benefit of Bourgeois class, which completed the relevant class Balbrolitaria, what those motives but A storm in a teacup after Egal revisionism in the expatriation of the class struggle and the suspension Fundamental problems Ballathorh Allasserae with capitalism and the private sector ... The country is in Conditions destruction of the economic infrastructure, and to stop the growth of keeping abreast of the development of civilization By empowering monster Anglo American reference to the highest Iraqi political movement, not to mention The hysteresis local religious leaders and the executor of a thesis Yashron obsolete Adopted by the personal reaction to the most hostile of Shiouabih (Balsistani) to trim Azevaraltiar then extinguish the Communist Revolutionary Struggle Alberolitari and his grave in the bud,

Islamic fury that connects its potential sources of narrow Almamiin upstarts is the most Shrasta his hostility to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism of imperialism and global capitalism and more Shunita of Zionism itself, the fact that signaling through the data involved Factors associated with the explosion and fury uprising media and regulatory proletarian To root out the enemies of the communist movement and the roots of revisionism interacting with them just to Elcz The dustbin of history, the sound of the voice of combining Marxist Revolutionary Alleniniin Iraqis entered Sky suicide volcano media proletarian uprising, the Intifada briefing proletarian Kenkelh quality in the history of Iraq prelude to ignite a proletarian revolution of the proletarian revolution The Intifada is the media itself Brolitarih Regarded as a cultural revolution unprecedented In Iraq, the cultural revolution will mobilize and organize intellectual Breaulitaria Iraq, and the closure Outlets for corruption intellectual and political backwardness, superstitious adopted by the culture capital Religion and clerics unscrupulous allies Sultan and local allies capital Abalmeneh The chiefs of the feudal landowners, and shareholders in companies capital Global trade and parties and the companies and shareholders of mavericks Democrats, and the thieves Nationalists and the Nazis Kurdistan and Abrbustaniin allies Sharon and Bush and Blair, and the movement Revisionism liberal Iraqi uses under the name of communism, the communist Faye Communist liberal communist trade companies and the dollar and equities communist publication of intolerance National and religious, communist alliance with clerics and Islamic parties fascism Communist work with the outline of imperialist and capitalist world these people have use Communist ideology and people have to content, we had to the outbreak of the Intifada briefing cultural Kthorh For Touayhalbreaulitaria Iraqi and manufacture component Alberolitari contemporary First prelude to undermine The role of revisionism Iraqi movement in all forms, and undermine the role of parties and trade companies The shares then undermine the role of turbans unscrupulous agents international Zionism. It Without bless the revolution (Intifada media) is difficult for us to cut across people's war Proletarian and manufacture of contemporary socialist society and cut across toward the Communist system without Indisputably.

Altlf y distortionary Baloutnyat false and only Nashar Bbodegh fronts National chauvinism shameful

Valeutnein primarily nationalists Mtantin thirsty for isolation from the world and stay on the case of deliberation Concerns such as intolerance National Ballet and money caused Mga religion, if Iraqi national and Arab Islamic issues and the unjust advantages which all stemmed from a purely nationalistic spirit Alhovinineh It expresses Khsaltha bourgeois nationalism, as follows (Alavzleh of the nation and the world over The world and the equivalent of the entire world and surrounding wrap metal mechanism to demarcate the borders of isolation from the world The idea that the growth and expansion is not only an extension of the trend of narrow-minded nationalism and the consolidation The bourgeois state feet in the soil of Iraq, and that must be the future by virtue of decadence Alberolitari interdependence of nations and the peoples of the globe by virtue of world economic relations and development. Tactical around the globe who Aistouabh clergy Islam rather owners Amama T. in Najaf and Karbala and elsewhere, that Chi is very strange when they boast corrupting Balsistani which collided with science and tactical evolution and meaning, whether passing through Sheoaithm Islam, Allen enough religious intolerance, which would submerge the entire Iraqi people Vjaoua Izivon The way this prelude to the consolidation myths in the class deeper and increase the mud Free.

Beyond the national outlook, national intolerance and religious intolerance and the tendency Abergihalqumih Alice This is an extension of the bourgeois nationalism. The national structure structural suffer The isolation from the real world, following extensive process for the closure of outlets possible to see the world To Aishaalon candle to remove darkness to see the light of the Iraqi elite vision and concrete However, they Mtantin the incursion deep into a dark and then read the steps to overcome the steps towards Back away from Ela Almatehzar peoples with the world, despite the brutal nature of capitalism Built characters from the hard work and sweat of the brow of Iraqi laborers and getting richer from the fees, this They can not compromise and harmony with the reality of the world proletariat, and the usual Ithaggbon Their role and hide behind the wall of national traditions ballet strained reactionary religious intolerance Their example and religious Shiite Iraqis doctrines of intolerance in our world, look The civilized world of Mendhar difficult coping with the enemy. The corrupting Almetbahin Balsistani retroactive and Michael عفلق Kurdish chauvinist dead - and-buried (Mullah Mustafa Barzani) are more diseased negationist movements in the current world, and Atta They broke into any dialogue refer to the history of their ancestors Garicion unshackled vocabulary Mobile Garish of tribes, in the presentation of the Black ills on the past to give a stranger The distorted image of the modern world is full of fears, including fear of the development of human civilization Contemporary pretext for a coalition with the clergy and businessmen chauvinistic Iraqi National Movement Tunaiathm chauvinism and Ted Fahm direct sympathy with the Islamic Arab chauvinism hysteresis However Kurdistan Islamic chauvinism that is the ugly picture of pygmies national dealers Money and capital.

The Constitution established Qasim Bhinh Staur the hard work of the State of classes : Return to the Constitution of the Abdel-Karim Qassem, retroactive to the call Aiqetren absolute dictatorships Tomb Capital terrorist Aitsm for Iraqna wounded stability after the tragedy our nation has endured The disaster caused by the scourge of fascism and wars of conquest not to mention the material losses And the devastation and the successive addition of trouble and appalling massacres and violations of human The proletariat, in spite of all that has Tenkvi laborers in the same storage and translated into wisdom Exercise realistic through the struggle to deter successive dictatorships fascist, a human being since the league Freedom fighting nature but he eventually found that the victory is in no date Because he was not in the level of awareness of the laws of nature then, the impact of the deal Those errors caused by natural disasters in the face of Alzorai predators, she More positive results of the interim constitution of 1958, Vassanai revolutions and legends Historical not Bmenai this fact confirms that in the modern age the importance of The seminal role of the moderator in Breaulitaria historical processes, especially in the interdependent world of You can not totally isolate cover in history isolate corrupting themselves on the island isolated from the Almktd world class conflict, and giving the right and the priority of capitalism and constitutions that Provide a valuable service to the ruling classes and the aristocracy crush laborers in the bud.

We have adopted Karl Marx and Frederick Angeles in the drafting of the statement, the Communist adjustments In Taktik framework and strategy for the working class experience of the working class French Alkumontion who endowed not Qatham the sky in 1871 and re-consider their position of the Revolution In 1848, the German people Khatan which occurred in a spirit of criticism after Yeh inspired directly Experience and expertise laborers to the field (not the experience of the constitutions of the police regimes terrorist) masses Working-making history, not revisionism parties, and not the interim Constitution and the constitutions of the hardest Brberita regulations, but this particular discharge is certainly the role of the individual in history Valedmae Those who were given birth through the stages of human history, they are the product of the objective valuation of the vanguard Class conscious proletarian revolutionary more segments of society and intellectuals are revolutionaries Flower workers in a "Marx" the art of leadership with close ties to the experience of workers Farmers, which has been refined and experiences in Mamaan Revolutionary Struggle in which the Alberolitari For Aalmthal people's war proletariat lead in Peru and Nepal are prejudicial defeats Successive enemy class and get off their strikes painful, and can draw inspiration from this art Through the Academy, which stages the product of direct contact Balamaanat Journal of the most revolutionary class In the diagnosis and historic juncture of a concrete social disaster in a The spark at the tip of the guns, and refused to speculate Tgbeh, and despite the importance of the revolutions that took place During the eighteenth and nineteenth, but those revolutions and regimes that emerged from them The minor demands on the provision of the proletariat.

Marx pointed Angeles and the need to create a political entity of the actors in Breaulitaria Kadat Undermine the state apparatus and its repressive Acocfh to Almshangeh examples from history History will not condoned political movement negationist put in false directions, most parties Revisionism in the third world countries took place in the errors and serious ideological deviations although Most of the blind leading Marxism-Leninism and accustomed to domestic and international capital In the framework of the strategy and tactic of negationist Kadat actors clowning in the driving drums that the State Global capitalism and bourgeois democracy subtle pilot on its repressive To not undermined, in addition to the examples of derivatives of history because history will not be condoned Movement Thrbekaya put in false directions, that most of the parties revisionism in third world countries Relied on in the Western bourgeoisie classes rooted at the level of duplication Thought for Atstjib hours with the need to surpass itself in the quagmire of treason, to ensure confirmation Its membership in the axis distorting global horizon unending misery of the proletariat The hungry mouths in order to the phenomenon of narcissism, which is now in post since the 1950s Aledmae shells ينوبوا in the opinion of everybody, that Mao Tse Tung was not Nerjsia Or romantic theorists have attempted corrupting guide Jam Gzbhm it from It was adopted in the revolutionary struggle to the peasants poor, the hungry, the role of UNCRO class Farm labor and the role of self despite Ansarat revolutionary achievements of Comrade Mao Tse Tung people's war that historical period marked by the great Revolutionary Dimension

The corrupting Iraqis led Cattle and Almeraeh excluded : The number of women within the movement revisionism very little to the Iraqi is perhaps one The mill rate counting a d for the master control and sense of the atmosphere and their parties, perhaps Classes urge women to wear a veil even Aigdb Sistani and other In the absence Astjabthen traditions Garish Aisalehn members to the ranks of currents revisionism But this trend result in a fluctuation of Achdh Association has Fissioned work into two parts Awakther let alone draw a line to separate the men sockets (Cattle) on the line where women Across the border in Cattle and female sexual and therefore had faded line and women go on The account is not only the Cattle Valmeraeh proletariat who wish to belong The ranks of corrupting required to submit its request for the estate turbans, with the availability of specifications The hijab and protect them from external influences body and the protection of honor of fear That catches Nazrah men even allowed to Bantmaoua Sqovhm printed with confidence. We suggest that the corrupting Cattle recruited from the men on guard of honor Girlfriends, in the tradition of Alansalamih Qarisheh. Almeraeh proletariat to fight the struggle against the revolutionary traditions of paternity fascism Sultan, the Sultan and religious Albolichi Sultan nationalists and the remnants of the Nazis Feudal traditions and the rule of Cattle.

Homeland free and Happy People "slogan liberal Brjoazi : This argument melted away in the springs of old Isaleh even use language, the words wire The chaotic Amouka to express them in the arena of class struggle between the proletariat " The capital, before they miss the opportunity they Ehrolon nearly six decades of time Coherent old threads, a homeland free from imperialist occupation and the agreement with Occupation proxy, through companies monopolistic imperialism in the national system Assaker govern on behalf of the Puerto Rican people of this nation, which is working for and not Today, but since the founding of the party, led by Yousef Salman (Fahd) since that day were This argument liberalism and to this day ascend all outlets preoccupies their minds and caused great agents The future of the Iraqi proletariat revolution, and also caused great damage Bhuzbhm killed hundreds Thousands of their colleagues cheated the victims of such things in the cells and Alvasih Public squares without a price not only avail themselves of the designation martyr for the Party Distorted Brjoazi then splinter the party distortionary Liberal million to a fragment of those productions The nation free of colonial occupation and allow the occupation to replace it any proxy Open the windows of the country to host the corporate monopoly of Western imperialism and even Having a field day homeland free and happy side of the people of the arrival of people very happy Sharkan The monopolistic companies friendly to imperialism and Western capitalism tender sponsor Human rights in Alastthar of energies in the service of progressive global companies Came to protect Iraq's oil and Thrush of the proletariat Iraqi occupation of Iraqi oil Where to lead the country herds of bourgeois from the Baathist more aware of God and brotherhood Democrats are corrupting the nation free of imperial church and replace it Corporations Aahtkarih of imperialism friendly.

In such stories of others meaningful and beneficial not originally included in the dictionary ideology Alberolitari, may be included in a dictionary for distorting and liberal, here and virtue Logic be separated ideas كخطين Ailtekaya parallel to each line, and its plan The ideology, it can any of the current trends and distorting trend Marxist Leninist Borrow ideology other Balniatph only for the goal of liquidating the account with him, and this practice Have been a breach of his or her class, the abandonment of class, perhaps through the use of The names added to Hermanm political or organizational structure currency cheap and free Designed to reach the desired outcome, which want access to be at the expense of And the future of the proletariat Abratekaya as did and do Altehrivion, not at the level of local The only regional but on the global level.

The theory of the people's legend of negationist circulation distortionary Brown Chrochov without taking excellence The class into consideration, into account, and write the class struggle in this opening aides Bmasseraeiha outlets in Iraq before the Iraqi bourgeois currents to roam And freedom in Iraq unchallenged allies Daemien according to the argument that if people are free Also part of this people, only when the stratification of the classes of people so each party Appeals to class and Imask them.

T may be critical for DNA Dhi these speeches and slogans bourgeois and out of Brolitari rate taking into account Aldialktek Marxist ... Class struggle Specifically flame protector of our position is absolutely biased to Breaulitaria and work Supporting the enemy proletariat class in the use of all available means and to People of the outbreak of war until the proletarian dictatorship of the proletariat in our country Long live communism and the death of negationist liberalism.

from the Marxist-Leninist-Revolutionaries of Iraq :

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Spread the word – Wal*Mart’s not worth it

There are plenty of reasons why people should not buy at Wal*Mart. It offers us low prices and wide selection, but at a really large price. It cost us wages, jobs and damages local economies.

Yet the store has it’s supporters including conservative columnists such as JONATHAN GURWITZ, of the San Antonio Express-News:
From The Wichita Eagle, Sep. 08, 2006:

Democrats denounce Wal-Mart at own peril

“For all its good works, low prices and incomparable efficiencies, Wal-Mart may not be the corporate messiah. Neither, however, is it a corporate Satan, as an increasing number of Democratic politicians are making it out to be.
The New York Times reported last month from the campaign trail in Iowa that Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., a presumed presidential candidate, delivered a 15-minute stem-winder of a speech to party activists. His main target was Wal-Mart.
He is not alone. The new election rallying cry of many Democratic leaders, the Times reported, is denouncing Wal-Mart.
I don't know who's mixing the Kool-Aid for the Democratic National Committee these days, but a populist political strategy is supposed to have popular appeal.
Despite charges of substandard wages and nonexistent health care benefits, Wal-Mart is the nation's largest private employer, with 1.3 million employees. And notwithstanding the high proportion of "made in China" labels on Wal-Mart products, more than 100 million customers shop at its U.S. stores every week.
Biden and company might want to look at a poll conducted last year by the Pew Research Center.
It found that 84 percent of Americans said they had shopped at a Wal-Mart store in the previous 12 months, with half of these shopping regularly. Wal-Mart's most faithful shoppers have annual incomes of less than $30,000.
Eighty-one percent of respondents said Wal-Mart was a good place for families to shop, 68 percent said it had a positive impact on their neighborhoods, and 64 percent said the company had a positive impact on the nation -- sentiments that were even more pronounced among African-Americans and Hispanics.”

Yes it may seem that Wal-Mart is popular, but not everyone is fooled by a few low prices.

According to Fat American:
Sweat Shop Superstore - When this monster moves into your hometown look out. Mom and Pop will soon be looking for work, Brother and Sis will be taking a pay cut, and our cousins accross the border will lose gallons of sweat. But who cares, it will all be worth it because you will be able to change your oil, buy groceries, get new glasses, wardrobe and a haircut all under the same roof. Oh, and Don't forget to Super Size everything!
At ReclaimDemocracy,com, the make the following points from a film:

"Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price" focuses solely on Walmart Corporation while ignoring the existence of other giant retail chains (Sam's Club, which is mentioned, is a division of Walmart) that create most of those same destructive impacts. Walmart indeed is unique in its size and impact, has a worse record than most in compliance with the law, and certainly deserves most criticism it receives. But while Walmart differs in scale and degree from other corporate chains, is it different in kind?
Target Corporation, Walmart's most direct competitor, is invisible in the film, yet it:
* Pays workers wages essentially identical to Walmart and is ardently anti-union;
* Drives down wages at competitors, especially unionized supermarkets;
* Has an equally devastating impact on many of the communities where it locates "superstores" and on independent business in and near those communities;
* Wields its amassed power to extract taxpayer subsidies around the country, with all the accompanying harms the film blames on Walmart;
* Uses corporate funds to help elect candidates favored by its directors, undermining democracy
* Sells mostly imported goods from the same countries and often the same factories as Walmart (the prices and quality tend to be slightly higher, but an equally low portion of sales go to the people who make them);
* Drives sprawl, increased costs for roads and services, and consumes enormous amounts of land for single-story buildings and parking lots isolated from any other destination."

And let’s not forget that their TV’s are made in China for wages of 50 cents.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

9-11 and Bush brought us fascism

A lot has happened in the last 5 years since 9-11. President George Bush said we were hit by terrorists who hate our freedom. Well he’s taken care of that problem. We are now loosing our freedoms, so there should be nothing to hate us for.
Just last week it was revealed by our president that we have secret detention centers were the CIA tortures captured al Qaeda leaders for information. Bush claimed it wasn’t torture, but that depends on the definition of torture. Apparently if the rack isn’t used and there’s no visible scars when finished, it isn’t torture. To convince someone they’re drowning, stripping them naked and depriving them of sleep 48 hours is OK.
Bush argued that lives were saved and terrorist acts prevented.
“Were it not for this program," Bush said, According to the Chicago Tribune, "our intelligence community believes that Al Qaeda and its allies would have succeeded in launching another attack against the American homeland."

Yes torture has always been a useful tool for extracting information. Ask any dictator in the Middle East. Ask Saddam Hussein.
And to reward these people for all the information they gave up, Bush is now planning their trials, so they can be executed. That must be the corner stone of democracy. It’s a little like the processed used at Democratic Kampuchea's S21 prison.
So we use torture, we have a concentration on Guantanamo and the Patriot act allows the government to spy on us at any time. We should feel real safe, unless we fall under suspicion of our government.
And let’s not forget the war which was planned before 9-11, even though Bush insisted they are related.
Yes, fascism is a safe form of government, except for the never ending war in Iraq and other parts of the Middle East.

9-11 has changed us for the worse. In some ways the terrorist have succeeded. They have proven that our constitution is nothing but toilet paper anytime the American citizens are frightened. That’s just what happened in Europe before World War II.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Lebanon is step 1 to a war with Iran

Will we be invading Iran next, despite all the setbacks and all the screw ups? According to a reporter from the New Yorker magazine, the answer is YES!
Seymour Hersh, in a story called “Watching Lebanon: Washington’s interests in Israel’s War,” said that the George Bush administration is interested in the planning and execution of war in Lebanon and that the war there is viewed as preparation and a trial run for a US attack on Iran.
According to the article, any truce in the fighting is just a tactic to muster up forces. The captured soldier by Hezbollah was an excuse by the Israelis and they have been planning the attack for some time. The US is interested in starting an air war with Iran.

For more information see Revolution, Aug. 27, 2006.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Action in Colombia in support of Nepal

Acciones en Bogotá:
Viernes 1º de Septiembre. 4pm. Plaza Eduardo Umaña Mendoza (Plazoleta de las Nieves)

Llamado a apoyar el Día Internacional de Solidaridad con la Lucha Popular en Nepal, el 2 de septiembre de 2006. mas...