has a website that clearly states that they are making bold attacks on the US Army and people in Iraq that they consider traitors. Here is an article from the Islamic Army of Iraq website, http://www.iaisite.net/, which is in Arabic, but can be translated by Google:
حصاد الشهر الثامن لسنة 2006/
The results of the eighth month of 2006
Katlohm often capable hands of God and compunctions and helps them and recovered the issuance of people believing Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds strong Aziz
The best prayer and fully recognized the prophet Huda prophet saga, and his family and companions
As yet.
After missing on God and the help it has been incurring losses following the enemy of the period of August 1 and continue until August 31, 2006
1. The loss of the American enemy mechanisms as follows :
· Burning and destruction and the destruction and the damage (to 175) with the killing and wounding of crews, distributed as follows : (12 carriers, Armored modern one in Baghdad (inside), 112 Another ,4-wheel drive, 8 minesweepers, one Robert, five fuel tanks, 10 dump, 17 truck trailer, Von Zell 5), in addition to the seizure of American camera).
· Destruction of a helicopter parked in the Bakr airbase in the north of Baghdad boycotted Yathrib (outside) during threw four 82-mm mortar shells on January 24, August / 2006 on the base said. .
2. The total transactions of guerrilla warfare and special Gatalat (158) process, and clashes with the American forces (38) hand, However forces Safawi movement cooperating (24), and operations Altardhih their headquarters and the bombing of control points (2) and the attack on Alsitarat installed on the roads and foot patrols and the killing and wounding of and seize their weapons and equipment (4), and one coordinated attacks on American forces and cooperating with rockets and mortars and unequivocally Alermanat in Mada'in southeast of Baghdad (outside) on August 5, and to respond to attacks Safawi movement and engagement with them during the siege and the Sunni mosques, and incur losses in lives and equipment (10), ambushes and air (1) ambushes and terrestrial (11) to the American forces to strike Artaham driven on roads (packagings explosive double and mortars medium and heavy and medium machine-guns and missile launchers light), sniping and operations (40) and quality operations (2), and bombings (247) and the firing of rockets (48) tumor. and threw mortars (113) throw, and joint operations with the groups working on the Iraqi arena (5), and bringing the grand total (704) operations.
3. The loss of the American enemy personnel, including 60 dead (4) officers were elements of the American CIA and an American general to force (AI) the forces of Alaska (the Arctic wolves) were killed in the quality of blockage on August 21 August in the Bab Sinjar - Mosul (inside) north of Baghdad (outside), (56), a soldier had been killed, dismissing a blockage in separate operations in addition to the killing and wounding of 525 individuals representing the crew of the destroyer mechanisms and fully damaged, The minimum is calculated to the presence of individuals in each mechanism, and thus a total of 585 officers and one American soldier, in addition to tens injured.
4. Shots were (202) rockets on the headquarters of the American enemy and its collaborators, distributed as follows : (8 Tariq, 6 Grad, 22 Katyusha rockets, 2 John, 19 measurements and analysis, 20 core, Sekhoi ,2, 123 bombers).
5. Been throwing 403 mortar rounds and pomegranate on the headquarters of the American enemy and its collaborators, broken down as follows : (41 mm ,13 mm 120 mm 100 mm, 263 mm 82 mm, 83 mm 60 mm, and owned RKg3, and threw hand grenades)
6. The loss Idolater Guard forces and the internal mechanisms and equipment : the burning and destruction and the destruction and damage b (115) different mechanism distributed as follows (6 ,8 Another Land Cruiser, one Hyundai, and Hénault, Gamse guerrillas, six dump, April 68 cars, an ambulance, and Chevrolet security, 22 returns to the wheel of a civilian death squads and their collaborators during the response to their attacks, the destruction of the control tower guards Idolater diesel engine and 2)
7. The loss Idolater Guard and internal forces and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the (briefings) escorts and Kurdish militias individuals : the killing and wounding of 199 including 13 officers and 186 soldiers blockage and explosions on foot patrols in addition to representing the 345 crew mechanisms devastating fully calculate the minimum presence of individuals in each mechanism bringing the total 544 members of the Idolater Guard forces and the Interior addition, dozens of wounded.
8. The killing of spies and agents, Mullishbat Safawi movement attacking (domestic enemy) 209.
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds
Allahu Akbar, Glory to God ... The military leadership / Islamic Army of Iraq

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