Does anyone wonder who is fighting our troops and what they really think. Here's on Islamic group The Islamic Army in Iraq. Here is One of the pages they present, which has been translated to English:
"Recommendations Jihad : Dr. Mujahid Sheikh Abdullah Azzam (God's mercy) "
Sent : 19 / 08 / 2006-2:27
The King of Love Jihad for my life and myself and my feelings and my heart and emotion, The Sura of Repentance Bayatha Court, which represented the final legitimacy of the Jihad in the religion and the religion of the day wrings my heart pain and sorrow and tears myself, I think of default and default Muslims towards fighting for the sake of God. Any sword that a copy before any odd, 20th or 40th of any post cent of the jihad verses is a decisive answer and the answer to all of the firm manipulated wanted to go fighting for the sake of God or dares Mhekmaha interpretation or disbursement of seemingly categorical and unequivocal sign texts.
And Allah (and fight the Pagans all also fight you all informed that God with devotion), the justification for the same sin of clarion justification numb feelings fun and play, but to take religion for the Hoa and played and we hurry symptoms of those text of the Quran (throw sand into who took religion to Hua and feet and Grthm life). Hang hopes that preparation is the soul of small Attamah to reach the top and to live up to atomic If the old souls I am tired of certain objects and the womb Abdullah Mosque, which is sent to the virtuous Yadh Ben : Holy Yaabed if Abssertna You learned to play worship
From the Ekhaddb Cheeks Bdmoh Vanhorna blood Ttkhaddp and say son blessed prove verse Jihad's right to worship how the resolution and how to calm Muslim and Muslim with the enemy aggressor, I think also considers al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya of Upper Alsa'el enemy who corrupts religion and the world is not really after the faith of the batch.
I think it is not exempt from responsibility leaving Jihad Shi whether or call synthesis or rearing or other every Muslim lies in the neck and the consequences of letting Jihad carries the burden left Venice only the first damage and others is a sinner.
And then one day in the fighting, then the father of the father or the husband nor the wife of Sheikh Ali and student of the Prince of the commissioner, this unanimity of the nation's scholars in all eras of history.
I believe that Muslims today are responsible for every show violated in Afghanistan and spill the blood of all, and God knows they were involved in because of their blood because they have no capacity to make a weapon, which protected them, and the physician doctor, The money to purchase food, which Havaro by digging trenches, Any account any punishment awaits the owners of wealth and money wasted on the desires and whims shed Abthaali and luxury.
So, O Muslims : -
Your Jihad, Jihad Azkm Your destiny is linked to jihad, O preachers, the trick to you under the sun only if Amcqatm YOUR WEAPONS and your green Stagit and infidels and oppressors.
Those who think that religion can triumph without jihad and fighting and the blood and flesh of these barriers are not aware of the nature of this debt.
The trap will come and prevail without fighting (Katlohm, so that there will be strife and the religion is God) and sedition are caught.
Jihad is the only guarantee for peace rites and houses of worship and not pay ( God's people together for demolished silos, and the sale and prayers and mosques, stating the name of God Often).
Ahersoua to death or life donee you Tgrenkm aspirations it takes God conceit, that you fool yourselves and write Tekarawneha Bnoavl Tzaolonha Ihamlenkm not concern money laundering comfortable on the great (and you wish to be non - thorn) you have not Ttiaon one in the Jihad, no permission to the commander of the alarm for Jihad, Jihad is the strength of your shield and worship and the Shield Chriattakm.
Addressing scholars, saying Islam (Islam Yaalmae submitted to the leadership of this generation due to his God and Atenkloa and Trknoa to the minimum, and you round it Stagit grievance hearts and associations for Hearts and Thajdzkm the generation and transformation of hearts, and you?
(Talking to the nation and say : Muslims Iaaiha your Jihad and Jihad Azkm Your destiny is closely Jihad and adds : I think that the sound of Responsibility Jihad nothing left whether or call Autaliva Educational or otherwise) :
And talking to women : Yamashr women Rabin, the roughness of your son and masculinity and the championship and struggle to not Biotkn Arena for the black and not a farm pen, which Ithbha comfort to tyrants Agersen in Love your son Jihad and the principles of horsemanship and battlefields;
As well as talking to children, saying : nurtured by the tones of missiles and guns and the hum of aircraft and the roar of tanks and you and the music and music Alenaemin affluent and Almtakhmin mattress.
Addressing Azzam and his wife : Oh God or Mohammed Jazak me, the Muslims I have been richly rewarded good stead me that started this march and that the blessed work in the field of jihad for Allah even then Identify your grandfather's and his grandfather to run our absence from the House Maasttatta that bear this heavy burden alone. And talking to his apology : As for you, you were Thaddoua sons of my little did Enkam of Trbiti not easy Yes, I have filled you, but why do much misfortunes and Muslims simply boggle the nursing her baby on the ground that has not kept Bennkm throughout my time and the conditions of Muslims tearing all of the rest of the heart or heart; advances heartily faith and you are sanctioned, and I would recommend the Koran, conservation, and do, fasting, The company does not take the kind permission of one of the jihad in the name of God Ermua, and they were loaded because I like to Trmoa that Trkpoa .
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