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Friday, February 02, 2007



The Wichita Eagle, Feb. 02, 2007
Marketing ploy bombs in Boston
Cox News Service
ATLANTA - The fallout from a botched marketing campaign for an edgy Cartoon Network program might have been even more surreal than the show itself.
After it was discovered that a crippling bomb scare in Boston was actually caused by a low-budget promotional plan for a cartoon, some people in the rest of the country wondered whether Bostonians had lost their sense of humor -- or their common sense.
While indignant local officials pressed for payback -- including the arrests of two men -- the moves drew bloggers and some critics who marveled that so many people were out of touch with Atlanta-based Cartoon Network's "Aqua Teen Hunger Force."
Bostonian Tracy O'Connor, a 34-year-old retail manager, called the police response "silly and insane."

Since the war began to steal oil from other countries, we are less safe a secure driving around in our semi-trailer tuck size SUVs. You just can’t feel safe all the time.

Now cartoon characters are blowing us up.

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