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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Face it Bush: You blew it!!!

needed in the first place. And now the his lackey’s in congress are beginning to oppose the war not because it was a criminal action, but because it isn’t working. For example, in The Wichita Eagle, Jul. 14, 2007:

Bush deflects criticism on Iraq war
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - President Bush took his critics to task Saturday for using the poor marks the Iraqi government received on a progress report this week as reason to argue that the war is lost.'
Bush acknowledged the Iraqis received "unsatisfactory" marks on eight benchmarks, including failure to prepare for local elections or to pass a law to share oil revenues among Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds. But the president said "satisfactory" grades the Iraqis received in eight other areas - like providing three Iraqi brigades for the military offensive under way and providing $10 billion of their money for reconstruction - were cause for optimism.
"Our strategy is built on the premise that progress on security will pave the way for political progress," Bush said in his weekly radio address. "This report shows that conditions can change, progress can be made, and the fight in Iraq can be won."

Well Prez. Bush, the problem is that you should be loosing this war or we’ll just get into another one. That seems to have been the pattern since the Reagan Revolution. There was Grenada, Panama and the first Iraq war. Now starting wars have become a way of life.

There are those in Iraq who have no intention of ever giving up their sovereignty. The following was translated by Google and may contain some errors.

From the Marxist-Leninist-Revolutionaries (MLR) of IRAQ

Responders's revolutionary specter vibration obscurantist America invisible hand of terrorism in Iraq : Dear heroes you Ttagreeton today Oppressive darkness and in the north and south of the country you Ttagreeton arrogant fascist dictatorship of a pattern of Kurdish and Alaslamstanih pattern is both democratic Oilmen Oppressive, designed capital, Oh yes militants and activists You proved to the world that resist the fascist dictatorships is possible if we are determined to understand the language of confrontation and inflicting defeats by .. It can not be denied that this imperial empowers the Nazi Party or that group or individuals oppressive violation of the right to privacy and usurping the rights and freedoms of students from the University of Basra, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah, or carrying on the barbaric acts of murder and terrorism ugliest colors that will rape and abuse of the rights of the proletariat on the fundamental rights and dignity according to the laws of the jungle field and doctrines, such form of democracy has and has clients .. Has export democracies smacking of the crime and death .. Ikseon advocates a compromise to open a blank page with the authority of terror and repression or tolerance with the perpetrators of these vile acts and aggression against students in universities and the right of the proletariat and the right of the flag and the right to life sciences and civil and social progress that is the picture of the practices of those cells interested Grizzly fear and terror in the hearts of innocent in order to force them to surrender under pressure herds Nazi However, the University of Basra and Erbil and Sulaymaniyah stood and accorded the heroic courage and steadfastness Bogham even tore their dreams and the dreams of their masters, Atrka authorities Darkness both in the South of Iraq nor Aouchmal pot Bbodgh negotiation process and surrender, but the language of bullets and the barrel of guns people's war which would break the proletariat, which led to a perceived them sounding their doors later, the misery of determination. What do you think of Muqtada al-Talabani and Barzani, and the Al Alawi, Saddam Hussein and Khamenei, Aziz Hakim, no Chalabi, Al-Rubaie and Al-Sistani and al-Zarqawi, and those Kamyaoui given birth to the World Zionist movement, led imperialist Yankey. Midget was also making these pygmies butchers both Barzani and w decision by Muqtada al-Talibani, who had had the upper hand liquidate the lives of dozens of people proletarian revolutionary anti-imperialism and are invisible hand of the imperialist terrorism in Iraq.

وللاسف بعض الكتاب المرتزقة من المتعصبين الاسلاميين والكردستانيين والتحريفيين لايتفقون البعـد الجوهري للانسانية ، اعتادوا على طمسها ، يكرسون اقلامهم في خدمة شوفينيتهـم بالاعتماد على مداولة البديهيات للتملص عن كل ما له صلة بالحقيقة لايهمهم اعلان الحقائق او طرحها بالمام الدولار سطا على ضمائرهم ونفسياتهم الضعيفة ، here dollar, which speaks not pay writers or strongly dollars disperses words from the mouth of their pens cheap when it Aldlar judgment ashamed cheap pens and given paid to the role of sole leader that the only fascist leader chosen by America, when sections of the book beats the dollar mercenaries immediately Esbegun skins according to the thesis dollar and the dollar holding pens Balamsaulih towards the innocent lives of some mercenaries wrote that Talabani and Barzani field commanders struggled for the liberation of the Kurdish people eulogy murderers and criminals Thus chanting songs that mercenarism Sadaman youngest Talabani and Barzani in the footsteps of Saddam finance Brzmah of dollars each writer glorify them lightly, that Talabani brought up from the earliest age at the hands of the offender dead - and-buried Said Qazzaz Interior Minister in the royal era in the mid-1950s, Barzani is also brought up by former Iranian intelligence apparatus (SAVAK) Lucy Vai 1, I Yesterday partners in a conspiracy Baath Party during the fascist coup in February 1963 against the Black Qasim Authority today become senior wealthy country like son Aoujah in looting of the property of the poor classes. Moqtada is the other may become wealthy traders also credited the return of the Republic of turbans and opium Iranian barbarism. Fellow students and the students you today Chalon candle in the darkness until Tneron through the dark before Almshawkiin proletarian revolution and the oppressed. Glory to you the greetings of solidarity from the world proletarian revolution! Foremost Marxists Allininyin Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party and the American Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal, the Peruvian And, and .. You Thiah glory and solidarity of the rebels and Althairat in the Himalaya Mountains in Nepal and the rebels in the mountains and Althairat whatever Kojo in Peru and the insurgents and Thairat that resist fascists in the mountains and Wald Colombia and Ecuador. Glory to you the greetings and solidarity of students militant revolutionary cells are languishing under torture in the prisons of the Moroccan regime fascist. Greetings to you from the revolutionary Marxist Revolutionary Allininyin Moroccan and all honorable and good guys revolutionaries in the world. People's war could defeat fascism and religious nationalism. For Attharr Almeraeh Oppressive restrictions except the barrel of guns. Students lived uprising of Basra and Erbil and Sulaymaniyah. Death to the fascists and imperialists and their masters who die coalition allied with them.

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