Barack Obama will probably be the Democrat against the insidious Republican candidate John McCain. The best thing about Obama is that he has gotten a lot of young people out to vote for him. I haven’t seen this kind of energy and youth interest in a campaign since George McGovern ran against the sneaky lecherous crook Richard Nixon. If McCain wins again, the consequences could actually be worse than another Nixon.
The hard left has always distained our elections saying the two parties are the same and nothing will change from all of this. They may be right, but can we really sit back in good conscious and let McCain get us in a perpetual war that will never really end?
We already know that we live in a capitalist two-party democracy that caters to the wealthy aristocrats, in a system where there is no working class democracy. So fixing this system is like trying to fix a rotten apple. When maggots and flies have turned it to mush, we need a new apple.
John “Jab-it the Slut” McCain

If they young turn out for this election, they may slowly learn that in The US, we need a new apple, AKA we need a new system.
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