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otto's war room banner

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


From Cindy Sheehan:

At the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends, Martin Luther King Junior
Nancy Pelosi was entrusted with the responsibility of ending the war and took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The war rages on and Nancy has refused to hold those accountable for this immoral war based on lies.Cindy for Congress is asking the country to stand up against injustice and stand with Cindy Sheehan again on August 6th
August 6th is Hiroshima Day. Hiroshima is a vivid example of the potential destruction US Foreign policy can bring to people all around the world. The USA is the only country to ever have used a Nuclear weapon in battle.It's time to stop!
We must hold the administration that led us into an unjust immoral war based on lies accountable.
August 6th is also the third anniversary of the day Cindy Sheehan first sat down in the ditch outside of George W Bush’s Crawford, Texas ranch to get him to answer the question, “For what noble cause,” did he send her son Casey to die in Iraq!
Stand with Cindy again on August 6th!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, it's too bad, too, because when I heard Pelosi decry the administration of this guy, she stated, "Our president, god bless him, is a total failure..." and IF she were serious, and true to her commitment, she would have, you would think, found the moral fiber that Dennis Kucinich had, and stood arm in arm with him, shoulder to shoulder, and demanded his impeachment. The only war crimes tribunal which should be had, should be the crimes against humanity, torture, and waging an agressive war--the same charges at Nuremburg in 1946, for the Nazi leadership--these charges should be made and sent to the Hague where Milosovic was indicted and tried. George Walker Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, Donald Rumsfeld, and last but not least, Carl Rove, a.k.a. the Martin Bormann of the regime--these are the members who should sit in the first docket at the Hague, to address the world and be held "verantwortlich"--ANSWERABLE for their crimes!