Not since the 1930s has he economy sunk like this. This is not the bottom, this is just the beginning. The life style that has kept the RepubliKKKan Party has provided the middle class is not going to last. The average middle class person won't know what to do. But this will make a lot of people think. We can't count on a revolution; no one really knows what that means. But something will happen. Maybe just a rebellion and realignment. Maybe barack obama will make a difference. But if he can stop what's happening, he is a regular superman.
We still need a rebellion and when the middle class realizes they've been had, some may join us. A revolution? Maybe not, maybe that's too soon, but it is a lesson in the falsehoods of the status quo.
1 comment:
Oh yeah, it's goin' down and during the state of confusion we're goin to be obliged to create alignments and networks in Kansas to counter the successive waves of rebellions. The better we are at that series of tasks, the longer we can not only survive, but thrive. A definite series of disorienting blows to the G.O.P. in this state will make them "circle the wagons" here and yes, a possible resurgence of Christian fascist militias, but there's hope! Hope in that many of their numbers are wavering mightily about the same old, same old. The end-timers are going to get their apocalypse, and then SURPRISE, it doesn't happen - just old fashioned poverty. Hard times without the dumbed down stupidity and ignorance of the past, unfortunately, they have plenty of demagogues to lead them into ruinous and suicidal cults.
Times demand principled unity, but not building more gods for the guillable. The oppressed hate being led over cliffs, by anyone; red commie, black anarcho, or the basic red, white and blue star scrambled patriot.
They only respect autonomy ... people who don't need them or the capitalist relations. Then the building of revolutionary alliances begins to move toward a seizure of power.
But, the Repugnuts are going down, but in Kansas there will be a vengeful streak in the remaining diehards who are getting pissed in their faces. Racism against Obama is the immediate result I am encountering right now. They easily blame him and the "liberals" and that's the next storm to ride out among the idiot reactionaries.
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