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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Aircraft companies crash their work force. Will they crash?

Cessna Aircraft told employees Monday it plans to cut another 2,000 jobs as it adjusts its 2009 production schedule for the second time.
According to The Wichita Eagle, today.
With the bad economy, aircraft plants are showing us once again that the American worker is expendable. By laying off that many people the company saves money in the short run, but not in the long run where the lack of incomes just adds to the recession that has gripped this country and is spreading around the world.
There was a time when Japanese firms never layed people off. They knew it was to their advantage to keep the workes on in some copacity until business picked up again. But US corporations have always looked at the short run. This is evident by their lack of environmental standards and the car companies reliance on large vehicles to make them more money in the short run while ignoring peak oil.

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