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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gag Rule lifted

We’ve finally seen the end of the “gag rule” a law that made it illegal for any foreign agency to receive any birth control related aid if abortion is mentioned in any way. This has ment a catastrophy for those who have had serious overpopulation problems, especially inter cities with large slums. Over population means that the earth’s resources are spread thin to try and take care of all the new people coming into the world. This is one piece of positive information.

From Planned Parenthood:

The global gag rule was a threat to the health of millions of women. Clinics have closed, contraceptive supplies have dwindled, and women were left without basic and critical health care services. As a result, there were more unwanted pregnancies and more unsafe abortions. Today, one woman dies every minute of every day due to pregnancy-related causes, including unsafe abortion, and over 200 million women in developing countries who wish to delay or end childbearing lack access to modern contraceptives.

By overturning the global gag rule, President Obama has taken a tremendous first step toward promoting women's health around the world. Overseas health care providers will now be able to offer counseling, referrals, and services for the full range of reproductive health services without fear that the U.S. government will strip them of their funding.

Join Planned Parenthood in sending our new president a message of thanks on behalf of these providers and the women they serve.

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