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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Republican response – “Just do nothing”

The Republican response to President Barack Obama’s speech is amazing. They caused the crisis we are in and their solution is “do nothing.” The new stimulus package may not cure capitalism's problems. It is a gamble and a kind of “let’s do something” attitude toward the crash of a capitalist system.
But the Republicans gave complete rain to the powerful, rich and greedy.
It was at the expense of the workers and middle class that this party took place. The corporate robber barons did what they wanted and took from who ever they wanted and now they drove the economy down into a rat hole. When things get tough, corporate America gives itself a raise then throws off the lower class workers as if they were yesterday’s garbage.
The stimulus package may not be the right solution, but to insist on doing nothing is a pathetic joke from a party that spent the last eight years running down the economy. They all voted against the package claiming they want to save the workers and middle class from a huge tax debt.
What a crock.

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