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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Afghanistan and Pakistan are showing up as the failures of US policy in the Middle-east

Afghanistan policy is in a shambles. The recent bombing of what was supposed to be safe a haven for members of the UN and bombs and protests going on in Pakistan have proven that the US has no idea how to deal with either of those two countries.

Some policies, such as US drone attacks on targeted leaders have drawn heavy protest from local citizens who have insisted these unmanned bombs kill innocent people. Not only is the US failing to provide an acceptable puppet government for Afghanistan, but this country is starting to lose influence in Pakistan.

According to CNN: “U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Pakistan is in danger of falling into terrorist hands because of failed government policies and called on Pakistani citizens and expatriates to voice more concern.

“I think that we cannot underscore the seriousness of the existential threat posed to the state of Pakistan by continuing advances, now within hours of Islamabad, that are being made by a loosely confederated group of terrorists and others who are seeking the overthrow of the Pakistani state, a nuclear-armed state," Clinton said in an appearance before the House Foreign Affairs Committee Wednesday.”

Clinton was in Pakistan today and received a lukewarm reception from a dictator who has thumbed his nose at democracy and acted as a regional lackey of the US. From NBC's Andrea Mitchell:
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was welcomed to Pakistan by a car bomb explosion in Peshawar -- as well as word of the latest terror attacks in Afghanistan.”

From A World Can’t Wait:

ALERT: Street Protests & Die-Ins on the evening President Obama announces the plan to expand the occupation of Afghanistan. That's the night the media will be looking for response from the people. Get signs and banners ready, and make your gathering plans now.

Whether Barack Obama announces a troop increase to Afghanistan, or chooses the covert operations & unmanned drone option to try to "win" in Afghanistan, we should be in the streets opposing any escalation.

The only acceptable announcement to come from the administration would that they're withdrawing combat troops, support troops, CIA drones, covert operations, and all private contractors NOW.


Surging on or Droning on?

ALERT: Street Protests & Die-Ins on the evening President Obama announces the plan to expand the occupation of Afghanistan. That's the night the media will be looking for response from the people. Get signs and banners ready, and make your gathering plans now.

Whether Barack Obama announces a troop increase to Afghanistan, or chooses the covert operations & unmanned drone option to try to "win" in Afghanistan, we should be in the streets opposing any escalation.

The only acceptable announcement to come from the administration would that they're withdrawing combat troops, support troops, CIA drones, covert operations, and all private contractors NOW.

From Ken Theisen on

NATO and the Expansion of the Afghan War

Afghan Government "Legitimacy" is Critical to U.S. Imperialism

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