Aims and programmes of DAFODWAM[Democratic Action Forum Of Dalits,Women And Minorities] are emobodied in its name itself. here Dalits mean scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward communities. DAFODWAM is not frontal organisation of any Political Party, but it is very much aware of social and political incedents of the india which is defacto upper caste hindu state .Financially it is dependent on co-thinkers, not on Government[s][ central or state] or west based funding organisations[ usually known as funded NGO]. For more information contact ananta acharya- 30-2 N P RD. KOLKATA 55 INDIA.PHONE- [0] Jun 3 delete ananta
CLASS CASTE RELATIONS-MARXIST APPROACH,first english publication of DAFODWAM[DEMOCRATIC ACTION FORUM OF DALITS, WOMEN AND MINORITIES] is just published..available at world view[jadabpur university campus], book mark, new horizon book trust, Pati ram, manisha, manab mon. book stalls near rashbehari crossing and bbd bag telephone bhaban... For more call [0]9331858854... DAFODWAM-30-2 NP RD ..KOLKATA-55DAFODWAM thinks that India is a de facto upper caste Hindu state and Brahmanism derived from Manu Sanghita is still the guiding philosophy of Indian rulling classes. Untill the abolition of caste system and discrimination based on gender and religious community there is no chance of victory of class struggle, in whatever form. And this book will help those people who are trying to build up a real democratic India free from caste discrimination and caste division

1 comment:
No Story of Dalit oppression is complete w/o Brahminism
No Story of Brahminism is complete w/o Brahmins
No Story of Brahmis isnscomplete w/o Ade Shankara !
And who is this clown ?
Shankara, from Kerala – a Shaiva exponent of “pure nondualism (Advaita)” and idealism – who was “a Shiva avatar” and “had sex with the wife” of a Dead King, after “entering into the body of the dead king”.
Shankara was called “a bastard & a son of a whore” who copied, edited and pasted Buddhism” and repackaged it, for the Hindoo Bindoo Dindoo Ache Din Gandoos
As per the Mahabharata – Shankara was an “Asura reincarnate”
Ramanuja called Shankara a “crypto-Buddhist” (prachanna -bauddha).Sample the “copy and paste” of “Shankara the Shiva avatar”
– As per Buddhism,the “world is Sunya-tattva” (non-existent) and Sankara says, the world is “mithya” (non-existent), devoid of past, present and future.
– As per Buddhism,the way to achieve nirvana is “prajna-paramita” (knowledge of reality),and Sankara says that “tattva-jnana” (true knowledge of reality), is the method to attain moksa.
– As per Buddhism,”Sunya = Prajna-paramita-sutra = mano-vacam agocara = The Sankaras Brahman”.
– As per Buddhism,liberation = “removal of samvrti” (the veil of illusion), while for Sankara it is = “removal of veil of ignorance”
Madhva argued that Shankara championed monism, because he was “so stupid” that he “could only count to one”
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