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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

In Arizona racism rears its ugly head

From Wichita Peace and Freedom Party Examiner:

After years of unrelenting bigotry, with black men lynched and left hanging in trees during the first half of the 20th century and all the anti-immigration bigotry to rot this country’s moral fiber, it is hard to believe the people of Arizona just don’t get how angry the rest of the nation is with them.
Sure there is an immigration problem. But discrimination and reducing people to second class citizens has just not ever produced anything other that hate and violence. The people of Arizona may as well brace themselves for violence at home and boycotts of organizations of people nation-wide.
The U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Arizona's new law, according to The Wichita Eagle. “The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Phoenix argues that Arizona's law requiring state and local police to question and possibly arrest illegal immigrants during the enforcement of other laws such as traffic violations usurps federal authority,” The Wichita Eagle Reported.
This latest lawsuit amounts to state’s rights vs. Federal regulations, but the real issue should be whether a state can role back the rights of minorities. Again The Wichita Eagle quotes

Gov. Jan Brewer's spokesman called the decision to sue "a terribly bad decision."
"Arizona obviously has a terrible border security crisis that needs to be addressed, so Gov. Brewer has repeatedly said she would have preferred the resources and attention of the federal government would be focused on that crisis rather than this," spokesman Paul Senseman said.

But it is about time that leading politicians stop scape goating people and attacking minorities and poor people when this country has a problem. There are a lot of things Arizona could do to protect its borders better. But attacking the innocent along with the guilty is a throwback to the 1960s fights over civil rights. This country is once again on display around the world as being run by insensitive bigots.

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