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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Protests from around the world to Operation Green Hunt in India

The Government of India has carried out an anti-insurgency policy, called Operation Green Hunt, to strike at and get rid of Maoist fighters of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). There has been little mention of the civil war like conditions of India in the mainstream US media. It does appear that news of this attempt by the Indian Government to wipe out the people’s hopes for a more humane system is getting some news coverage and there have been actions by activists in the US and on the European continent. Here are a few items about such activities. -សតិវ អតុ

Excerpts from Frontlines of Revolutionary Struggle:

New York City:

Sanhati, a forum for solidarity with peoples’ struggles in India, successfully organized a protest demonstration in front of the Indian Consulate in NYC on August 13 against Operation Green Hunt to coincide with India’s independence day on 15th August . The protest demonstration was endorsed by the Alliance for a Secular and Democratic South Asia and was attended by individuals from Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas representing diverse South Asian and international organizations like SASI (South Asia Solidarity Initiative), ILPS (International League of Peoples Struggles), ISO (International Socialist Organisation), RCP (Revolutionary Communist Party) USA, FRSO (Freedom Road Socialist Organization), WWP (Workers World Party) and others.


Statement of Solidarity from Greece to India;

Let us express our solidarity to the people’s revolutionary movement of India
Lately, great military and police forces of the Indian state, supported by para-military organizations, have conducted a murderous raid to crash the resistance of the poor native peasants that defend their land and wish to live in their homeland under human conditions.
The Communist Party of India (Maoist), that supports and participates in this revolutionary struggle of the peoples’ masses, is under the fierce attack of the forces of the Indian reactionaries. As a result, in the beginning of July, the forces of the Indian reactionaries murdered in cold blood a party leader and an independent journalist, thus outraging the left and democratic people not only in India, but all over the world.

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