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Thursday, September 09, 2010

Of course we need to protect civilians

After all the whistle blowing on the outright murder of innocent civilians there are those who oppose new rules that make it harder to kill innocent civilians in Afghanistan.
Anyone with half a wit can understand that killing people needlessly will not win us the “hearts and minds” of the local people if we kill them needlessly. We are in THEIR country. It is their homes, their children, elderly and women who are in the line of fire. None of that is a problem for Americans. No one is fighting a war here at home. Sure there have been the shoe bomber, underwear bomber and a few other thwarted attempts at innocent American lives since 9/11, but the people living in Afghanistan are the ones who have carried the brunt of this war and their suffering dwarfs what we have had happen here.
According to The Wichita Eagle;
“Bill and Beverly Osborn still can't bring themselves to erase the phone message from their son Ben. He had called from Afghanistan in June to assure them that he was safe. Four days later, he was killed in a Taliban ambush.
The Osborns long ago accepted the risks faced by their son, an Army specialist. But what they can't accept now are the military rules of engagement, which they contend made it possible for the Taliban to kill him.”
No one wants to lose a loved one but we can’t just go in with the attitude that only our troop’s lives matter. Afghanistan is a country with a population. It has people and their homes, not just a piece of real estate. Ideally we should not be there at all. But the more civilians we kill, the worse out already tarnished image looks.

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