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Friday, February 11, 2011

Egypt is free of Mubarak

From Wichita Peace and Freedom Party Examiner;
It is final. Hosni Mubarak finally stepped down as leader of Egypt. It’s not unusual for a despot to hold on to power as long as possible, even after crowds of people flood the capital and demand he leave.This is happened many times, going all the way back to the Shaw of Iran, being forced out of office. This brings up a point. Democracy means that the leader may look out for the interest of Egypt and not any super power, including the US.For the US this is a difficult pill to swallow. Many allies are dictatorships, such as Saudi Arabia. They are a staunch US ally, but that may change as democratic revolts not take place in the Middle-east.According to Yahoo News;
“The protests have already echoed around the Middle East, with several of the region's autocratic rulers making pre-emptive gestures of democratic reform to avert their own protest movements. The lesson many took: If it could happen in three weeks in Egypt, where Mubarak's lock on power had appeared unshakable, it could happen anywhere.
The United States at times seemed overwhelmed trying to keep up with the rapidly changing crisis, fumbling to juggle its advocacy of democracy and the right to protest, its loyalty to longtime ally Mubarak and its fears of Muslim fundamentalists gaining a foothold. Neighboring Israel watched with growing unease, worried that their 1979 peace treaty could be in danger. It quickly demanded on Friday that post-Mubarak Egypt continue to adhere to it.”
There will be a rally in support of Egyptian demonstratorscalling for democracy and the end of Mubarak's government. The "Today We Are All Egyptian" rally will be at 4:15 p.m. in the 800 block of East Douglas. The message of the rally may change due to the unexpected resignation today.

The Resignation of Hosni Mubarak/محمد حسني سيد مبارك is a welcome change. For socialist, it may not bring the change that is wanted. For now we may have to settle for a simple nationalistic government with out a left ideology. This is still a step in the right direction so far. Below is from the Communist Party of Egypt’s (the only left party I’m aware of) newspaper:

February 8, 2011

الثورة الشعبية المصرية: المعادلات تتغير وواشنطن مربكة -منذر بوعرم People's Revolution in Egypt: the equations are changing and confusing Washington - Munther Buarm

بعد تونس مصر على خارطة الثورة الشعبية والعنوان الاطاحة بالنظام الذي حكم على مدى ثلاثة عقود في ظل قوانين الطوارىء من قبل الرئيس حسني مبارك الذي ربط بلاده بعجلة النظام الرأسمالي العالمي وزعيمته الولايات المتحدة الاميركية وأرهق إقتصادها بمديونية هائلة بعد أن شرعن عبر سياسة الخصخصة بيع مؤسسات القطاع العام بأبخس الأثمان الى طبقة القطط السمان ومارست عملية نهب منظمة دافعة بقطاعات واسعة الى هاوية الفقر والحرمان “40% من المصريين دخلهم أقل من دولارين في اليوم”. After Tunisia, Egypt on a map of the People's Revolution and the address to overthrow the regime that ruled for three decades under the laws of emergency by President Hosni Mubarak, who has linked his wheel the global capitalist system and its leader the United States and strained its economy indebtedness dramatically after that Cran through a policy of privatization sale of public sector institutions at the cheapest price to layer the fat cats and practiced the process of looting the sectors driving range into the abyss of poverty and deprivation, "40% of the Egyptian income is less than two dollars a day." هذا الواقع الذي زاد من سوداويته إنتشار الفساد الذي بدأت جذوره بإنقلاب الرئيس أنور السادات على مسلمات ثورة يوليو الناصرية عبر إتفاق “كمب ديفيد” مع العدو الإسرائيلي عام 1977، هذا الإتفاق الذي إستكمله مبارك بإحكام تبعية بلاده لواشنطن ومشاريعها التصفوية وآخرها مشروع “الشرق الأوسط الجديد” المرتكز على تعميم “الفوضى الخلاقة” في المنطقة بهدف إعادة ترتيب جغرافيتها السياسية بما يؤمن إستمرارية الهيمنة الأميركية ـ الإسرائيلية على المقدرات العربية. This fact, which increased from Sudawith spread of corruption, which began its roots coup of President Anwar Sadat, the Muslim July Revolution in Nasiriyah by agreement "Camp David" with the Israeli enemy in 1977, this agreement completed by Mubarak tightly dependency of his country to Washington, and projects the break, the latest of the "new Middle East" based on the circulation of the "creative chaos" in the region in order to rearrange the political geography as to ensure the continuity of American hegemony on the Israeli Arab capabilities.
For the rest and a better translation click here.

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