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Monday, December 19, 2011

DPR (North) Korea Dear Leader Kim Jong Il is dead

Kim Jong Il,김정일, the Dear Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is now dead. Along with Cuba and Zimbabwe he has run one of the last Marxist-Leninist (or quasi-Marxist) strongholds against the US Empire. Founded by Kim Il-sung and his theoryof Juche, the DPRK’s first leader has become of the great “Dying God manMyths.
But both Kim’s have kept the small country going through world isolation, the collapseof the Soviet Block and constant saber rattling by the US since President George W. Bush came to office.  Bush called the nation part of an “axis of evil” and the DPRK responded by building and testing nuclear weapons. Who can blame them when one of the “axis of evil”  was invaded and the other is on the verge of such action.  Korea has a long history of invasion and occupation from foreign countries.
Kim tried to reform the arts in his country. Other changes he made seemed clouded by Western media propaganda. At present it was hard to access KPRK’s official news site. They are either revamping it to honour Kim or it has been overloaded with people wanting to get the DPRK’s official view.
Despite the drawbacks of living under a dogmatic regime, we need to remind our government to keep its hands off of DPR(North) Korea. -សតិវ អតុ

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