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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ambassador Stevens was NO Hero

President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney are all trying to make U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens out to be a hero. He is no such thing. He is an imperialist who admits he took part in the right-wing-pro-NATO rebellion against Muammar Gaddafi.
Far from bringing freedom or democracy to Libya, he helped install a NATO puppet government that will help the US and NATO suppress any real attempts at freedom and national sovereignty in that region.
Now NBC News has reported that his death may actually be the direct result of al-Qaeda-inspired Islamist militants, as revenge for a drone attack that killed an al-Qaeda militant last June.
The US leadership doesn’t have a problem murdering people they believe oppose their agenda in the Middle-east by drone attacks. They don’t care if they kill bystanders near these people. Why then should we care if an imperialist operative is killed by one of his enemies? And why is it so cowardly? At least these militants showed up in public to attack their victims rather than hide in an office somewhere and just push a button to kill someone. But when the shoe is on the other foot they claim foul and condemn the attacks.
Stevens was an agent of US imperialism and he is just a casualty of a US war that he has helped promote. That is not heroic. -សតិវ អតុ   

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