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Monday, October 01, 2012

Interview: Young immigrant communist on the Greece’s neo-Nazi Golden Dawn

From the Kasama Project;
by Eric Ribellars
This summer, I spoke with a young Albanian communist who is a member of the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE). The interview starts with  her own story, then moves to the notoriously anti-immigrant group Golden Dawn and her thoughts on revolutionary strategy in the 21st century.
“How do we meet the basic needs of the people in a way that leads to our final goal of communism.”
“The people must come to administer the society themselves, rather than having a group of people administer it for them.
“KOE has a view of emancipation through participation. The people must know that their participation in the movements is a part of them coming to administer the society.…
“I want to say that my views on Golden Dawn have been mainly shaped by my orientation as a communist in KOE. I don’t fight them in the struggle as Eva the immigrant, but as Eva, the member of KOE.
“Golden Dawn is a social problem. Golden Dawn came to prominence through the absence of the Left. The Left has offered no reasonable answer or program to the people in relationship to immigration. At this point, there is an immigration question related to huge numbers of migrants who have come, but cannot be assimilated by the Greek society.”
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Eric Ribellarsi: Can you tell me about how it was that you came to Greece?
Eva Z.: I was born in Albania in 1989. I came to Greece when I was ten years old. We came here by accident. My father’s friend made us a visa to come to Greece, and found a job that paid more than we could make in Albania.
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