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Saturday, December 08, 2012

Democrats-Republicans-“fiscal-cliff”- a game of Middle-class shill

Never has there been a more useless debate between the two parties that this stupid “fiscal-cliff” game. Nothing is really going to have any real affect on the middle-class. This is pure political football and nothing else.
Consider what is presented in Yahoo News;
“WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama takes his "fiscal-cliff" campaign to the home of a family in Northern Virginia on Thursday to illustrate the impact of letting taxes go up on the middle class, as signs emerge that Republicans are contemplating a change in strategy in their battle with Democrats over deficit reduction….
As usual, insurance companies want to make all the money off of our medical system, but they really don’t want to pay anything out. They could care less if I lived or died, they just wanted to save money. Insurance companies are among the worst vultures of US society….
Obama and Democrats in Congress want the tax cuts set to expire at the end of the year to be extended for taxpayers with income below $250,000 a year, but not for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans.”
Careful analysis of this arguments tells us that nothing substantial is really being discussed. It’s like a shell game or a game of three cards Monte. It won’t get anything you really want out of this other than screwed. -សតិវ អតុ
You got aa better chance with this guy than Congress

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