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Monday, December 10, 2012

Tom Hayden spoke of social justice—civil rights—for Annual Peace meeting

“When we started SDS, there were still black people being lynched and black people were being murdered,” said Tom Hayden, who spoke at the Annual Meeting, for the Peace and Social Justice Center, last Friday.
Tom Hayden was the main speaker at this year’s Annual Meeting, for the Peace and Social Justice Center. There was a packed crowd to hear the onetime radical, now mainstream politician. Hayden was a founding member of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was also a member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).
“We were never a special interest group,” Hayden explained.
He went on to say that their movement was originally outside the Democratic Party, but he feels their efforts changed the attitudes of US Congress and the Civil Rights Act was passed.
He also discussed the War in Vietnam.
“President Lyndon Johnson believed we could afford to fight the Vietnam War and it wouldn’t hurt the economy,” Hayden explained. “He was wrong and the war brought down two presidents (Richard Nixon the other).”
He praised Wichita for having a group dedicated to peace and social justice.
“Congratulations Wichita,” praising The Peace and Social Justice Center. “You’re still here.”
He went on to say that the Occupy movement has been a positive development and he was glad Wichita had such a movement here. He said he had high hopes for the Occupy Movement and will get some of the action and attention that groups in the 1960s got.
“We may finally get some change her,” he added. “We still have no movement to end the Afghanistan war on this country yet.”
He rejected revolutionary politics, and said there was a limit to radical political movements. He still believes in the Democratic Party, of which he has held several different seats.
“I’d like to see Hillary Clinton win, Hayden added. “I don’t agree with all her politics, but I think she would make a good politician.”
For more back ground information click on “Tom Hayden speaks at the Peace Center's Annual Meeting.”

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