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Sunday, June 30, 2013

The rebellion taking place in Brazil

[The statement by the Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People -
Brazil (Frente Revolucionária de Defesa dos Direitos do Povo - Brasil), has
now been translated into English. It provides important background on the
current rebellion, as well as clarifying the revolutionary program and
strategy to move forward. – Frontlines of Revolutionary Struggle ed.]
These are excerpts from the  translation:

Proletarians and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!
“The law of the people is to fight, fail, fight again, fail again, fight again until victory!” — Chairman Mao Tsetung
Massive protests explode across the country and a spontaneous mass movement of hundreds of thousands takes the center of large cities and spreads everywhere, shaking and panicking all the old order. A new phase of the developments of the revolutionary situation is seen in protest and rebellion!Major storms are approaching.

The final straw was the brutal repression of the just and peaceful demonstration against the increase of the bus fares in the cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The outrage spread across the country and released popular anger no longer stifled by decades of political demagoguery and constant barrage of misleading government propaganda of a Brazil of great progress and improvement. When even television networks, radio and newspapers trumpeted the popularity of President Dilma as the one bringing full employment, creation of a new middle class, the development of the country with a sound economy against the global crisis that sinks the world’s largest economies – this suddenly exploded with the upheavals that arose as a tsunami.

Amid the deep and prolonged general crisis of the imperialist system that causes suffering worldwide, hitting hard working masses with mass unemployment, making brutal cuts in hard-won rights, pushing them to the streets by the millions, in a desperate fight for survival and resistance, repression launched by the capitalist governments in client countries has been unrelenting.

As a direct result of the contradictions and weaknesses of the economy of our country, dominated and plundered by imperialism, the popular revolt is the release of decades of screams stifled by the ‘eternal’ deception of fraudulent elections and false left demagoguery (PT/Workers Party; PSB/Brazilian Socialist Party; PCdoB/Communist Party of Brazil, etc). What happened? A snap broke the charm of a truth found to be a lie repeated a thousand times, and backfired, no longer the social anesthetic of bread and circuses.

A cry of outrage echoed through the air

Starting from the youth who were less numbed by all this brainwashing. The uprising of youth against the odious police broke through the earthen walls of official pretense, the popular revolt that broke through the suppression of dissatisfaction with all this order of exploitation, inequality, and political privileges of the rich, abusive authorities, widespread corruption, crime and insecurity, precarious public health, education and transportation, subservience of rulers to capital and foreign agencies (such as the current ‘state of exception’ decreed to serve FIFA), the massacres in the poor slums, and the massacres of peasants and indigenous struggle for land.

Against the old state and its managers and anti-people misleaders

The popular explosion brought to the surface the dissatisfaction with every order of exploitation, abuse and police violence in everyday life of the people. Low wages and rights courts, the dictatorship of the gouging taxes on workers while the national budget favors the banks and the rich at the expense of public health services, education and public transport that are true garbage. The excesses and corruption, works spending billions and overpriced to favor mafias contractors and election finance, the spree of public money to banks and transnational corporations and public debt which amounts to 3 trillion dollars. The indignation and revolt are against this system of exploitation and its old state, its institutions and its rotten and immoral rulers–lying, cynical, corrupt and betrayers of Brazilian people…..

The fight did not start now: Even before the latest attacks, the people never stopped fighting

The official propaganda of governments and unofficial bourgeois press never stopped saying that everything was going splendidly in the country. That the economy was sound, there was full employment, poverty is nearly gone, and soon would the majority of the population will already be middle class. But underneath all this propaganda the bitter reality of the country and the people is quite different. The facts are stubborn. The prices of food, medicine and other basic necessities have never stopped rising, inflation erodes the popular economy, and the absurd interest rates remain the highest in the world. Unemployment depresses millions, especially the young, and the false “land reform” government is yet another scam and deception to the people of the countryside.

Diseases which were once eliminated, return, and others, such as dengue, are spread in waves of epidemics, killing hundreds of children and adults across the country. The educational system has compressed salaries of teachers, as the health system, civil servants and workers have also faced. The spread of easy credit has only been one more illusion to deceive and impose brutal indebtedness on the people, to hide the fragility of an economy producing commodities for export, completely subservient to foreign powers and dependent on imported capital and technology.

But the workers, public servants, teachers, students and peasants, under the systematic and orchestrated campaign of criminalization and repressive arrests and murders, and facing the direction of their own corrupt unions co-opted by government, have never stopped fighting, and strikes and land seizures have spread throughout the country.

In all parts of the country echoes the cry of jail for the torturers of the military regime! Students from across the country went on strike and occupied the rectories of universities demanding an end to the dismal plans of the government called REUNI / PROUNI and in defense of free public education in schools and universities. Workers, teachers and civil servants held strikes over wages and better working conditions. In large constructions of PAC/Growth Acceleration Program (a program of Brazilian government); of the Jirau Hydroeletric power plant, and of Santo Antônio Hydroeletric (both on the Madeira River, in the state of Rondonia, North of Brazil); of the Belo Monte Hydroeletric Project (on the Amazon major tributary, the River Xingu, in the state of Para, North of Brazil); of the SUAPE Port (a Brazilian International port located in the city of Ipojuca, state of Pernambuco, Northest of Brazil), the workers rose up in revolt, stopped work, set fire to the house and revealed the slave labor conditions to which they are subjected.

In the field “land reform” the government does nothing more than repress the peasants and support the landowners. Only through the Agrarian Revolution, taking into their own hands in an organized confiscation of the landed estates, the peasants are conquering the land to work and produce and win their freedom.

And now that the masses of the cities explode in riots and could not be crushed with police repression which was strongly repelled by the combatant youth - the poisonous media now orchestrates their psychological warfare against the people. All this media is monopolized by the enemy of the people. As they twist the images and messages of resistence, they only reveal their fear, that all reactionaries tremble!.....

To build the new one must destroy the old

This is the struggle of peasants, workers, students, workers, intellectuals, indigenous and small trademen and producers, we are the majority and are millions! We fight this old rotten State represented today by the Brazilian government’s PT / PSB / PMDB / PCdoB / PDT and its support base, which commits all kinds of daily outrages and crimes against our people. A fascist state that needs to be dropped altogether and only a Great Democratic Revolution can destroy it and build another in its place new and different, the State of New Democracy’s revolutionary united front, based on the worker-peasant alliance along with all the exploited and oppressed.
Every struggle and popular democratic revolutionary struggles should raise the defense of the rights of the people by:

-General increase of wages to meet the cost of living;
-Security and public retirement and integrals;
-Cheap public transport, decent health and education;
-Against violence against women, equal rights and the decriminalization of abortion;
Punishment for criminals of the Military Regime, instigators and executors (civilian and military) of torture, killings and forced disappearances;
-End of the servile, menial work in agribusiness plantations, the PAC and nationwide;
-Recognition and immediate demarcation of the territories of Indigenous Peoples and Communities remaining Quilombo;
-Land for those who occupy and work it;
-Stop the miners and their plundering of natural resources and environmental degradation;
-Stop the bleeding of public resources given to banks and transnational;
However we must emphasize that our main claim is the Power.

Organizing people to make revolution!

The question of democracy in fact, in other words, is the establishment of a genuine Democratic Republic, was never fully resolved in Brazil. Exploiting local ruling classes and their imperialist masters fear the existence of a true democracy because that would mean the end of their domain and its operation. But the class contradictions and the people’s aspirations for democracy are large, imposing on the people and country this travesty of democracy with dirty and corrupt elections and dragging the opportunist parties to legitimize them. And every time the masses rise up they send repression with one hand and with the other make the bla-bla-bla “dialogue”, the “negotiations”, the “peace” of submission, the denunciation of the “violence” and the “vandalism” of the exploited and oppressed. To make the change complete, the people have to take power and defeat your enemies!.....

Down the fascist state and its managers anti people and servants of imperialism!
Long Live the New Democratic Revolution!

Long Live the People’s Revolutionary Struggle!

Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People – Brazil

Frente Revolucionária de Defesa dos Direitos do Povo – Brasil

June 2013
For the entire translation see:

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