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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"Shadows of Liberty": New Film about the lies in the media

I’m glad I came across this movie, which I intend to watch as soon as possible. Our news media today is a laughable joke to those of us who remember the hard hitting stories we saw in the 1960s and 1970s on the Vietnam War as well as Watergate. I have to wonder if Watergate would have come out at all if it were to happen today.
We have an independent free press and yet it is hard to tell by watching TV news today. Beyoncé, a mediocre entertainer with little to ever really say, gets more air time than the president. TV shows, such as “Dancing with the Stars,” get attention as if they were real news stories while the war in Syria, a real news story, goes uncovered as if it has no importance.
Our news has always had the influence of corporations, but today it appears as if they call all the shots and dictate what goes for news and what doesn’t. So now there seems to be not opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. There simply is no peace movement according to our news and unlimited hero worship of the troops.
One thing that comes out in this film over and over is the word lies and that seems a corner stone of both our elected leaders and the media that covers them.
-សតិវ អតុ

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