otto's war room banner

otto's war room banner

Wednesday, March 05, 2014


A Google translation:

On Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 March, the IMF meets at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, characters as its director Christine Lagarde or mob type Mariano Rajoy, surrounded by some other minister as De Guindos or Soria, escorted by his secuace Lehendakari Urkullu , and of course, by the representatives of large monopolistic companies that oppress us workers and the popular classes.
This institution of repression created by the bourgeoisie in 1945 , was to ensure the stability of the international monetary system and the hegemony of the new world order emerged after the Second World War. After 1976 the IMF inherited a new role with the debt problems of developing countries and with the international financial crisis. Now the IMF become the economic gendarme Yankee imperialism is who with the ECB and the European Commission receives the sovereignty of the member states of the EU large profits for the financial oligarchy it serves . Condemning the different working people of Europe to the most cruel misery.
We as workers to us to deal with this law enforcement agency that condemns us to a lockout , unworthy salaries in the very unlikely event you have access to a precarious job, drastic cuts on the most vulnerable sectors retirees and dependents, to education the exclusive scope of the stems of the dominant classes ...
 The IMF is one of the three heads of the troika , the enemy of the working class gives us the chance to receive in the streets of Bilbo , so the growing awareness of those working people are your enemies, you will not lose the opportunity to comment in the streets and show the imperialist murderers the people united will never be defeated .
See original in Spanish click here.

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