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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

India’s Modi and Obama—Imperialist bosses meet at the White House

This week the mainstream press presented us with a meeting of two big-time bosses of imperialism—India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi who met with US President Barack Obama. Modi has been busy lately. His fascist government has been arresting political dissidents, while he travels around trying to make himself look important. His imperialist partner, Obama, is willing to help him build up his political career both at home and abroad.
Just recently the Andhra Pradesh and Telangana State governments have disrupted the one day convention of the FORUM FOR ALTERNATIVE POLITICS in Hyderabad on Sep. 21. They stopped the forum and arrested the convener of it, Varavararao, and several activists. The action was typical of a growing state of fascism that is spreading across India. They included undemocratic and unconstitutional acts.
Yet Obama has received Modi as if he were a champion of democracy and liberty in the world. Most of the US press has completely ignored the arrests of political activist, but some, such as The Washington Post, have given lavish coverage to Modi’s state visit. The western press continuously calls India “the world’s largest democracy.”  The US press routinely ignores the continuing Maoist insurgency, of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and the Indian government’s human rights violations.
Another plan, according to RT, is for Modi to address the UN General Assembly. He will also meet with the CEOs of 17 multinationals, including Google, Boeing, IBM, PepsiCo and MasterCard, and he has had a private dinner with Obama. Modi’s.
Modi and Obama have released a press statement that was published in The Washington Post. For example:
As nations committed to democracy, liberty, diversity and enterprise, India and the United States are bound by common values and mutual interests. We have each shaped the positive trajectory of human history, and through our joint efforts, our natural and unique partnership can help shape international security and peace for years to come.
Neither country can really claim to represent democracy—the US is a two-party system were most ideas outside of the status quo are tightly controlled, marginalized or excluded. India has been fighting a war against political and religious minorities for decades. Diversity in either country is a joke. The US is fighting to keep up an empire that worships multinational corporations and tries to destroy any ideology that conflicts with its interest anywhere in the world. This is one reason that Obama has declared war on ISIS (Islamic State or ISIL). The US Empire is mono-ideological.   
India is not a fist world industrialized nation as the US or Europe, yet it is not as underdeveloped as most third world countries, such as Bangladesh or Afghanistan. India has its own small forms of hegemony over neighboring countries such as Nepal. Yet it has massive poverty. It has some development, but there are huge parts of the country left behind from any development. One reason the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has succeeded so well in the Red Corridor is that the people in those places have had little contact with the people of the more developed parts of the country.
India’s economical development, similar to other countries of its class, is not likely to ever catch up with the US or Europe. Such quick development just doesn’t happen and the US and other fist world countries have no interest in letting new countries join in the  G7 summits or the good o’l boy government networks which are an exclusive club that only the most industrialized and developed nations can belong to. Those outside of this exclusive club are deliberately kept out of the loop.
Indian people who believe their country will someday catch up with the rest of Europe are being duped into illusions and pipe dreams that simply aren’t real. Modi won his prime minister post by convincing a lot of young people that he can grow the Indian economy. Those educated enough to understand the imperialist relations between rich and poor countries realize the imperialist powers rely on underdevelopment to keep neocolonialist countries subservient.  
Modi must realize this, but he still relies on the help of the US and other imperialist powers to maintain his own national power. And added to that is his reliance on US aid to prevent Maoist guerrillas from overrunning his government. Again from The Washington Post Statement:
Ties between the United States and India are rooted in the shared desire of our citizens for justice and equality. When Swami Vivekananda presented Hinduism as a world religion, he did so at the 1893 World’s Parliament of Religions in Chicago. When Martin Luther King Jr. sought to end discrimination and prejudice against African Americans, he was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent teachings. Gandhiji himself drew upon the writings of Henry David Thoreau….
…. Today our partnership is robust, reliable and enduring, and it is expanding. Our relationship involves more bilateral collaboration than ever before — not just at the federal level but also at the state and local levels, between our two militaries, private sectors and civil society. Indeed, so much has happened that, in 2000, then-Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee could declare that we are natural allies.
Ironically they mention military cooperation while citing the influence of Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent teachings. Both countries are highly militarized. The US is probably THE most militarized nation on the Earth and it is definitely the main imperialist power in the world today.
If there is one really important role of a blog as this it is to counter the massive propaganda machine made up largely of the US mainstream news media. We can’t sit back silently while our mainstream press presents these two world leaders as if they actually represent democracy and liberty. This visit has little to do with such concepts.
-សតិវ អតុ

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