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Monday, March 23, 2015

Statement of the RBC: Panama, fascism and revolution

I've noticed a long time ago that a small group of people in a backward, small country, with a few people over all, can still lead to a revolution (see CP Ecuador Red Son). With blog-sites and interaction with other revolutionaries, these groups can have a major impact on their own country and the world around them. So I was not surprised to see that the RED DE BLOGS COMUNISTAS (RBC) have released this article about the Communist Party (Marxist Leninist) of Panama. This party seems involved in the blog Luminoso futuro. A small group in a small country can achieve a lot. So I am glad to repost this story in English.

Blog Network Communists thinks fit, taking advantage of one of our members knows the political, economic and social situation of the Central American country, performing an introductory discussion of the relevance of Panama, which we consider interiimperialistas illustrates the growing tensions caused by the crisis economic and collapse of hegemonic polarization by the need for redistribution of resources. The situation, as throughout the world, and Latin American peculiarities, creates internal tensions enters the local ruling classes, influenced by those occurring between the imperialist powers, and develops resistance of peoples, nations and, in particular, the working class, as shown in a country like Panama, deepens their resistance to the worsening of exploitation and proceeding with increasing firmness, the resolution of the tension between capitalism and development of fascist New Democracy Revolution for the second.

Panama is a country illustrative of the changes taking place in the XXI century as a result of the strategic changes caused by the deepening of the confrontation interiimperialista result of the economic crisis and the struggle for resource allocation.
The strategic location of Panama, on the isthmus that connects North America with South, and its essential role in the commercial control by the existence of the Canal, make the interiimperialistas tensions inside are characteristic features, including the emergence apparently mediated by strong anti-imperialist movements, actually anti-American, not finished understand, because the ruling oligarchy was saved well to avoid it, increasing its traditionally cosmopolitan ideological control, with US support.
United States, which looks like the entire continent, rather dominated, out of hand their control, are using Panama as a base against countries that develop large nationalist movements and in which Russian and Chinese influence are increasingly evident.
First, Panama is an artificial state, like many others in the environment, created by colonialism, consisting of many nations, even the white minority, of European origin, which has seized power and wealth, and has their particular tax and interested homeland vision. This minority is, however, dependent and subservient to US interests, making Panama remains a colony-like free nation, and where the interests of 85% of the population do not matter to anyone.

Secondly, the interiimperialistas tensions have caused the government tries to control more strongly to the growing working and different minority nationalities resistance, concentrating power in the executive, multiplying institutional violence and deepen the draconian measures against the protest and resistance. Among them we can highlight the hardening of the penal code, targeted assassinations, mass arrests, the search for the destruction of unions, the liquidation of the right to strike and day of 8 hours. It can be said that the international situation, in addition to the consequences of the economic crisis and competition for local and foreign markets, have made ​​capitalism traditional buyer since the beginning of the creation of the Republic (1903) has lived so contrasted with bureaucratic capitalism, throwing ballast appearance democratic rights and humanism and becoming a totalitarian regime (serving, yes, of outside interests). It must be noted, however, that although this coexistence persisted since the creation of the state, it is now that bureaucratic capitalism is winning the game the importer capitalism, parallel to similar developments across the continent and fractures that occur between different dominant groups due to the deepening of the crisis and the worsening interiimperialistas their struggle for resources and economic influence " 
In fact, the revolutionary crisis, the product of tensions between the growing national internal resistance, and working and the increasingly fascist ruling class, makes the dilemma in which the working class is increasingly Panamanian clearly between Popular Fascist Dictatorship and Democracy.
Clearly, the increasingly apparent redistribution of resources, arising both from the economic crisis and the emerging interiimperialista fight in the environment, has also caused the minority, divided into factions, fight ever more openly for control of quotas power and, indeed, for the scraps of leftover wealth from northern metropolis. On one hand, the pro-European mafias, of Italian origin, embodied by former President Martinelli, and secondly, the pro-American families (Varela and Motta), collide for a privileged position in the dictatorial regime to be settling, while trying to play with the influence of China and Russia, increasingly present in the region, and the immense power of the United States therefore not forget that the Panamanian economy remains, for now, an extension of the US economy .
The fascism of Panama ago, along with the rest of said circumstances, the passivity of the working class begins to stir, noticing a revival of resistance and mobilization dragging increasingly immobile other sectors, particularly those who have been impoverished or affected by the concentration of power in fewer hands and have been adversely affected by the redistribution (middle classes, small businessmen, etc ..), not to mention the growing peasant mobilization for economic and national reasons, since the Most of those belonging to ethnic groups excluded from the mythical and artificial vision of white capitalist Panama. Another important feature of the growing tension interclasista Panama is the influence on the environment of so-called socialism of the XXI century, but a bureaucratic capitalism with dyes Social and, in some cases, also has fascists lashes. However, regarding the anti-imperialist struggle or rather, antiyankee serve motor and influence subjugated classes in other countries like Panama to problems due to the dependence and subjection of the national economy to US interests.

However, we note that antimperialismos these assumptions, many arising from the hand of XXI century socialism, and other developed under the influence of the growing economic influence of China and Russia (recently it has been known that China has overtaken as lender to the World Bank and IMF together in Latin America) and, ultimately, to another imperialist pole in the accelerated struggle for control of resources and for world hegemony.

In any case, in Panama, as in other neighboring countries, revolutionary perspectives opened must make us think, especially Panamanian working class, that is when considering the struggle for a New Democratic Revolution in the Central American country. Do not rely on false hopes of a democratizing change from "above" as does the small-middle bourgeoisie, the only way is the creation of an Anti-Fascist People's Liberation Front, bureaucratic anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist to achieve political sovereignty of all nations that comprise against all imperialism and emancipation and freedom of the working class and peasantry against the minorities unpatriotic, anti-Latin American and anti-Communists who have looted and subjected to today.

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