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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The work of Comrade N. Shanmugathasan is available here.

La Red de Blogs Comunistas has posted the writings of Comrade N. Shanmugathasan, of Ceylon,  "A Marxist Looks at the History of Ceylon." They translated it from English to Spanish. For this site we mostly print things in English. So for those who want to see the English version of this book, click here. This book is featured at the bottom of this blog also. - សតិវ​អតុ

Here is the intro from La Red de Blogs Comunistas:

This book is a look back at the mistakes of the communist movement in that country, framed by history and by the conflicts of the international communist movement and, of course, in the Asian context and development, strengthening and extension of Marxism-Leninism and the essential contribution of comrade Mao Tse Tung.

In a sense you can say that translation is a milestone. For the first time, as far as our knowledge reaches readers in Spanish have in their own language of a book on the history of Ceylon, an island nation so distant, in every sense, our Europe and our America, whose very name, Maybe by that distance, awakens in our evocations of mystery and exoticism imagination.

Fruit of proletarian internationalism, the translation made by several members of the Communist Blogs Network (RBC) has allowed to shorten that distance, or what is the same, the spiritual bonds narrowed class--Authentic affection born identify as their own fighting a common enemy, however remote the battlefield in that fight develops are.

The work of Comrade N. Shanmugathasan is a brilliant overview of the history of his country to the turbulent early 70s of last century. In some passages, for example in the description of the process of capital accumulation carried out by British imperialism on the island or the analysis of the role played by leftist parties after the independence of Ceylon, to name but a few of the book cases-high streak without an exaggeration to say that, as in the best Marxist literature, the content overflows continuous form, jumps over their immediate purpose and systematically invites the reader to reflect on other times and other geographies.

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