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Friday, April 01, 2016

BRAZIL: Open letter from Poor Peasants League (LCP) denounces harassment, threats and crimes against peasants and their leaders.

The following was translated from Portugese to English by Google;

Today we publish this letter from Brazil LCP aware of its importance to the struggle for the democratic revolution in Brazil and Latin America and to sweep imperialism from the face of the Earth. Knowing that without the struggle of the peasantry, without mobilize broad and deep you can not speak of real struggle against imperialism in any of our countries.


On January 23 peasants Enilson Ribeiro dos Santos and Valdiro Moura Chagas were savagely murdered in Jaru. The murderers pursued the companions for a long time and eventually killing them, first one and then the other, crushing their heads with stone blows.
All this was done in broad daylight, in a fairly busy area of ​​town, in front of several witnesses without worrying about anything. They acted, of course, with the assurance that the police would not interfere in their cruel action. Enilson was one of the coordinators of the LCP - League of Poor Peasants of Rondonia and Western Amazon, he and Valdiro were leaders of the encampment Paul Justin, in the municipality of Alto Paraíso, where the landowner Antonio Carlos Faitaroni with his newly created "Cattlemen's Association Ariquemes "actually a facade of a paramilitary organization of landowners Valley Jamari, threatened the threatened leaders, hired thugs to steal, rob, torture and throw the campers, including neighboring farmers and including a worker of a nearby farm, with enforced disappearances and killings of peasant activists fighting for land.
It is a case of the new modus operandi defined by the landowners of this paramilitary organization to eliminate peasants and their leaders in the struggle for land, through "death squads" composed of armed men and police, protected and hidden by the dome of the security zone of the state, to hide his own authorship, making them appear as cases of common passion or common peasant disputes crime. So it was with Justin Paul, killed sticks in Rio Pardo (district Porto Velho), with Dona Terezinha, killed with an ax in the area Élcio Machado (in the municipality Monte Black) and Nicinha, that on January 7, disappeared from camp in Porto Velho, where he lived in an activist known for fighting against the construction of plants Santo Antonio and Jirau, police concluded in record time that was killed by another camp for trivial reasons. All these comrades were leaders of the struggle for land. recently also in Piedras Maria Cruz, in northern Minas, comrade José Osmar Rodrigues Almeida, suffered a skull fracture stick stroke when he came home in the evening of 19 January. This demonstrates that repressive plans latifundismo not limited to the northern region.
The cruelty of the landowners has no limits. Joseph's brother Osmar Cleomar Rodrigues, leader of the LCP northern Minas and south of Bahia, was killed in an ambush by gunmen of big landowners in October 2014. I imagine the suffering of his family, for having suffered in own skin as pain, because I'm Renato brother Nathan, a peasant leader killed by military police and his henchmen in Jacinópolis (in Buritis-RO) on April 9, 2012.
Made appalling and alarming in all this it is how it has been operating the new general commander of the military police in Rondonia, Colonel Ênedy Dias de Araujo, who suddenly and only after 6 months of appointment of his predecessor, took office in the General command headquarters without the usual assistance of these acts. The very absence of the governor denotes some type of intervention or interference outside the state administration. Ênedy took over for Buritis and Monte Black, where farmers face for years to brutal criminal attacks of the invaders land landowners against peasants demonstrations denouncing the crimes of the landowners.
In Ariquemes on 24 February 2016. It was mounted a theater commissioned this commander, distilling his gall always against the poor peasants and landless said:
"Who I invade, destroy, torture, they kill and burn properties can only be called terrorists. These bands must be punished with the rigor of the law, if possible, the National Security Act, which provides this type of criminal action. I determining the governor Confucius and Security secretary to act directly in combating land conflicts in the region. I ordered the 7th Battalion to watch and there was a quiet time during my time here. We will give special attention to the Valley Jamari by this problem involving violence in the field. "
This attitude and this statement clearly suggests that promotion and newly appointed general command are awards for their services provided to landowners to persecute the poor peasants, the LCP and give coverage to the criminal actions of armed criminals and police against families of poor farmers who suffer in their struggle for a piece of land.
Monte Buritis and Black are part of this region Valle Jamari also like others in the State of Rondonia, landowners, with the full support of successive governors have practiced the occupation of public lands and the exploitation of slave labor. To this end all crimes against peasants are committed by gunmen and police: brutal evictions of families, theft, destruction of houses, fields and livestock, attacks on the elderly, women and children; threats, kidnappings and torture, detentions, forced disappearances and killings.
All this, plus the complicity of the National Agrarian Ombudsman Gercino Jose, concealment veiled by the governor Confucius Moura and the Ênedy blind eye element, said on the same occasion went further and also congratulated the police:
"I am very proud to come here, speak, greet and look into the eyes of each military police here."
But no one expected anything different from this gentleman, prime suspect of leading a group of thugs, soldiers, prison officers and police heavily armed private security giving the landowners in Buritis and the region. This is a report that the military police itself presented at the 733rd meeting of the Commission on Fight contrala rural violence in Porto Velho in 2014. It is today that this colonel represses the poor peasants and the LCP. In 2003, the LCP organized the occupation of a farm in the BR 364 in Jaru, Laird Antonio Martins dos Santos, latifundista known as the Old Gallo. At the time, he commanded the group Ênedy MP Jaru. The gunmen to services landowners committed all kinds of crimes against the peasants neighbors, without even being addressed by the PM.
But when one of the criminals died, military police raided and ransacked the headquarters of several LCP seized flags, documents, video cameras, camcorders, computer, money and peasants were arrested Kermit Joel and Dapple. after a campaign of denunciation and support these companions were all acquitted by the total lack of evidence, despite having been detained for months and years in the case of Ruco. After processes, demoralized, finally confessed Ênedy that persecuted the LCP and did not investigate any other possibility, of all that was in the case. In 2004, farmers reported that Ênedy received a truckload of cattle from one landowner of the region Jaru to delete a camp of peasants who invaded their lands. Because of this complaint made by the villagers, he was chased the Peasant Resistance newspaper allegations reported, abolished the posts of those who sold the paper and the printer that prints it, until you reach the height wish to exercise censorship, demanding to see the content of information materials peasants and LCP before they are printed!
When Ênedy took command of the 7th BatallónPM in Ariquemes-RO, alarmingly increased the number of poor in the city killed by "death squads" formed by the police, such as the famous "black" bikes. Like the violent evictions and repression of peasants fighting for land. In July 2012, under his leadership, the PM cleared and were arrested 22 peasants camped in the Stivanin farm, on Highway 257, this municipality.
They committed numerous ill-treatment and arbitrary acts against workers, but this man had the courage to say, in an electronic message to the ombudsman Gercino Joseph: "I inform you that were guaranteed with all constitutional guarantees prisoners being followed all principles of human rights, personal integrity and respectful of everyone ". He said that "information" that the goal of the LCP was to sell land and timber harvesting. Funny how Colonel Ênedy never statements made about the information on the Glebas Rio Alto and San Sebastián, which covers 7 municipalities in the Jamari valley, told by the INCRA in the 1990s in 4,000 small batches, for " agrarian reform ", but they were overrun by the owners, without ever delivered to any of the hundreds of thousands of landless poor of this state.
It was during the Ênedy term in the 1st Cia. in Jaru and then in the 7th Battalion (Ariquemes) that several leaders of the LCP and other peasant movements were killed, as Tonha partner and Seraphim, Oziel, Ze Bentão, Élcio, Gilson, Nathan and Renato as many others.
In several interviews he has granted only since January Ênedy Colonel said it would resume rural patrols to protect the inhabitants. Now, under his command, in vehicles PM and GOE he made arbitrary rounds in the areas of Canaan, Sunray and Renato Nathan 2: They threatened to arrest farmers who were in a grocery store or walking on the road, photographed faces and the number of vehicles of residents and confiscated their bicycles. But not only farmers are victims of abuse of power by Colonel Ênedy. He ordered the violent eviction and arrest of homeless families (field "Dilma Rousseff"), in Porto Velho, when he was stationed in the capital. Also in Porto Velho and already under his overall command, the PM and the GOE have brutally repressed drivers and conductors fired when a new company was hired, even when the prefecture guaranteed that no one would be fired. Police fired tear gas to break and beat the workers who were quietly waiting for the end of a meeting of negotiations between the union and the city.
It is also curious, at least, intense and frantic publicity around Ênedy, in a clear attempt to manufacture a positive image of it. The public relations MP Ariquemes, Ricardo Schawantes, a pseudo-journalist with Channel 35, said during the interview with Colonel Ênedy, the population of the city received "with joy" the news that he would assume overall command of the P.M. If so beloved as he has promised, how to explain the measly 1,170 votes received by all Rondônia, in the last election, when he ran for state deputy for the PMDB?
The farmers no longer endure more. LCP workers, the CPT and other democratic entities are tired of denouncing the abuses and injustices suffered in notes, materials news, files, photos, videos, documents, police reports. We've lost count of how many public events, demonstrations, public hearings, meetings in Brasilia. There are so many absurd cases are many irrefutable evidence of crimes of state agents in repression, blatant favoritism of judges to landowners, bands of gunmen and paramilitary paid by the latifundismo to act freely and coverage police, but nothing is done by such established to investigate and prosecute such crimes and to end its practice authorities.
Let us now, with the atrocities committed by armed men on January 31 in the Tucumã hacienda in Cujubim, another municipality of Valle Jamari: Gunmen attacked five young peasants, three managed to escape, Alysson Lopes Henry Hildebrandt and Ruan Aguiar are missing. Found carbonized body in a car must be one of them. Subsequently, the Military Police caught a group of men armed with plenty of weapons and ammunition, including a machine gun (exclusive use of the armed forces). Despite all this evidence of the action of paramilitary groups hired by landowners and their crimes, the police and the press liar bandits continue accusing the peasants fighting for land.
It is also important to mention the psychological warfare, where the mercenary press releases slandering the peasants to justify the crimes of landlordism and the old state. He reported that Enilson and Valdiro were drug traffickers, as they did with my brother, Nathan Renato. In an interview with Channel 35, in 2012, Colonel Ênedy, then commander 7 BPM, hinted that he was a bad guy highly dangerous, presented as "proof" GPS "next generation" that was in his waist, when his cowardly murder. But what Ênedy not say is that my brother was a surveyor and was responsible for providing services to the works of Light program for everyone in the area of ​​Canaan. Police searched the lot and the cabin of my brother, BR 421, in the Capivari area. Without the consent and presence of any relative, reviewed all the furniture and objects, dug several holes surrounding the house, but even found neither a knife, only books, newspapers, brochures, posters and other of the LCP and other popular movements and democratic, GPS deposits. The investigation of his murder is an aberration, all pages are accusations that he was an arms dealer, thief of earth and wood and gunman. About possible authors, only one line:
"It would have been possibly killed by reckoning."
It's the same playbook used to justify the killing of poor and black youth, mainly in the slums and poor neighborhoods of cities, by police forces: discredit, demonize and demonize their victims. In the case of field highlight to eliminate the leaders of the farmers who are struggling for land to satisfy mafias landowners, real land thieves, drug dealers and arms traffickers, devastating forests and the environment, appropriators of public money, the corrupt political funding and supporters of this rotten political system is falling apart.
Enilson history is like my brother, Renato, and the same of many other children of poor peasants who work long and hard and yet we can never get the land. In the LCP got a piece of land, we organize to help others to win this right and we have raised our awareness of the Brazilian reality, explanations for such exploitation and how profoundly change our country. And it is precisely this awareness and decision they killed and many others are seriously threatened, like them.
We are aware of the official and unofficial meetings dome security old state where those responsible for the different levels of state government planned to suppress the militant peasant movement, especially the LCP, in addition to spreading the goal of eliminating physically their leaders and activists. We know that several leaders have been monitored, peasant activists and supporters and those responsible have spoken clearly retention is not necessary, you have to do is "Giving them the way."
We have no doubt what that means. I was already followed, I received death threats and have information that I am being investigated by federal police and fear for my life and my family. Similarly, Joseph Fonseca, better known as Pele, and several others. It's a real hunt against militant leaders struggle of the earth. But none of this can intimidate us, all this fascist reaction only shows that we are on a right track and that only with the struggle of the peasants can conquer his dream of a piece of land and like all farm workers and the city the conquest of a new democracy for our country.
I urge every farmer, every worker, teachers, students, workers in general, small and medium businesses, medium owners Democrats to rise up in defense of the lives of leaders threatened many other activists and farmers to be strengthened the struggle to eliminate so much injustice, so many crimes of landlordism, fascism and state terrorism. The serious political, economic and social situation in which is immersed the Brazilian nation can not be changed for the liberation of our people and independence of our country in the dispute between the corrupt and rotten factions involving all these electoral parties. one new truly democratic popular movement to sweep all this rot that has transformed the old state, its institutions and its corrupt political system through the vigorous action of the working masses is needed.
We must continue destroying the latifundia, what is most backward in the country, the only condition to open the way to build a new Brazil.
José Gonçalves Pereira
Jaru, February 2016

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