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Friday, October 14, 2016

Not all Germans celebrate German Unity Day

We received a letter from some German Comrades on left resistance to
 “(Tag der Deutschen Einheit) is annually held on October 3 to mark the anniversary of the nation's unification. It remembers when the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic of Germany united to create one single, federal Germany on October 3, 1990.”

I have written about the so called “uniting of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic of Germany,” which was really more of an annexation by the FRG of the DRG, in In defense of “Tankies”- Part 2,” in this blog.

-សតិវ​ អតុ

A letter from Maoist_Revolution:
Liebe Genossen,
Dear comrades,

aus Anlass des sogenannten "Tags der deutschen Einheit" haben Revolutionäre aus verschiedenen Städten der BRD ein Video gemacht, das hier zu finden ist:
On the occasion of the so called "Day of German Unity" revolutionaries of various cities in the FRG made a video which you can find here:

DVD (Dem Volke Dienen/The People Serving):

Revolutionäre Grüße,
Revolutionary Greetings,

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