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Friday, December 16, 2016

Latin American Maoist Parties- On the International Situation and Tasks of International Communists

Joint declaration:
A Google translation from Spanish to English:

Since the beginning of the era of imperialism, the various powers and imperialist superpowers are intensified exploitation and oppression of the proletariat in their own countries and are looting and subjecting the proletariat, the peasantry and the whole of the masses in the colonies and semi-colonies all with the purpose of ensuring the looting of raw materials, ensure markets for their capital and goods and the maximum profit. This plunder and exploitation has caused two world wars and untold miseries and hardships the proletariat and peoples of the world, stoking class warfare to magnificent levels that resulted in the most glorious revolutionary experiences in the history of mankind, the conquest of power the proletariat (the dictatorship of the proletariat) and the beginning of socialist construction in progress to the abolition of classes and all forms of exploitation, golden communism.
With the emergence of imperialism, the world was divided among a handful of oppressor nations and an immense number of oppressed nations, ripening conditions for the world revolution. With the triumph of the October Revolution era of the world proletarian revolution, which is the historical trend and main policy opened. The struggle between revolution and counterrevolution in the era of imperialism and proletarian world revolution has given us the most important experiences of the class struggle-the triumphs of the great revolutions in Russia and China, boosting the struggles for national liberation and great proletarian Cultural revolution, and the people's war in Peru the strategic offensive of the world proletarian revolution began. Thus the scientific ideology of the proletariat, only scientific ideology developed into a new, third and higher stage: Maoism.
Held in the contributions of Gonzalo Thought, the result of the application of Maoism to the revolution in Peru, we reaffirm that being a communist today is to be Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, mainly Maoist, and that is the task of the Communists uphold, defend and apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally apply to impose Maoism as command and guide of the world proletarian revolution, and happens to command increasingly the new great wave of world proletarian revolution.
Chairman Mao told us again and again that, as communists, we have the duty to use the Marxist conception, the Marxist point of view and the Marxist method to study the objective world, with the sole purpose of transforming it. And that in studying the objective reality we must strive to grasp the principal contradiction at all times, we should focus mainly on the class struggle and the struggle of two lines, for which we must analyze the relationships of basic classes and correlation class forces.
We reaffirm that only sustained in Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and the contributions of universal validity of thought Gonzalo we can guide us in understanding the development of the fundamental contradictions, grasp the principal contradiction in the world today to properly define policies and tasks They derive from the objective situation, taking care of subjectivism, superficiality and unilateralism, and distinguishing the contradictions between ourselves and the enemy of the contradictions within the people.

The fundamental contradictions of today's world
First contradiction between oppressed nations, on the one hand, and superpowers and imperialist powers on the other.
This is the main contradiction in the world today. There is, on the one hand, a large number of oppressed nations, which are colonial or semi-colonial countries, economic, political and cultural imperialism subject, although the latter have a formal independence or sovereignty; on the other hand, it is a handful of imperialist powers, whether they superpowers or powers in any case oppressing nations.
In the field of the imperialist powers, US imperialism is the only hegemonic superpower, Russia is still nuclear superpower and there are a handful of imperialist powers of second order.
Yankee imperialism, rather than the other imperialists, their own hegemonic status it sinks. For its own imperialist nature, and to maintain its hegemony, he is bound to take several wars simultaneously, while maintaining military presence on every continent. This will generate a huge economic cost, which includes the maintenance of military equipment and intelligence, costs credits wars already made and current, assistance to veterans, not counting the social cost involved him in his own soil the contempt for life and the dignity of the mass genocide that apply to being judgmental, which the hatred of all peoples of the world garners.
US imperialism is the largest exporter of capital worldwide, which is expressed in large imbalances in its economy. Yankee imperialism is a giant with feet of clay, with a huge foreign debt, households and businesses and a large trade deficit. It is the monopolist, parasitic and crosses over more decomposition than other imperialist countries.
Meanwhile, in the oppressed countries most of the world's population and the poorest concentrated, subjected to oppression of imperialism, bureaucrat capitalism and semi-feudalism, living in conditions that are not consistent with the level of development achieved for humanity, suffering degradation of their living conditions, the natural environment yson hit by systematic predatory wars of imperialism and its local lackeys
In the oppressed countries, a semi-feudal, colonial or semi-colonial base, a bureaucratic capitalism that generates political and ideological forms corresponding and systematically prevents national development unfolds, exploits the proletariat, the peasantry and the petty bourgeoisie and constricts the middle bourgeoisie. The global crisis will continue downloading on the oppressed countries while they maintain this condition and will remain spoils of every deal.
Contrary to what they say representatives of imperialism and its lackeys revisionists, the "economic liberalization", "globalization" the "new global division of labor", etc., everything the imperialists have driven together with the dominant classes these countries has not changed the character of the same, but rather has preserved and developed. The contentions of the beautifying of imperialism-that foreign investment (imperialist) in sectors where there would be certain alleged "comparative advantages" lead to progress and development- is nothing more than a masquerade to conceal the looting. The result of decades of "openness to foreign investment" is that there has been no real national development in the oppressed countries. The promise that the rising prices of raw materials would generate great benefits for the countries where they are located, has been absolutely disproved by reality. The facts prove that most of the profits, the profits in the period of high prices delas raw materials, went to the "multinational", ie, calls to the imperialist countries.
Through its so-called "foreign investment" imperialist export of capital occurs, the competition between monopolies for dominance of markets and countries. That power that takes advantage in this race increases its monopoly position, its power and thus, their parasitism, living the "clipping coupons", which also deepens its own decay, its sinking.
Far from boosting economic development in the oppressed countries, imperialist investment generates a deformed development, an economy strangled by financial capital, the greater concentration of capital in the big monopolies and the subjugation of all production, finance and domestic consumption their interests. Under these conditions the proletariat through its Communist Party, in alliance with the peasantry as the main force, has the mission of leading all the revolutionary forces in the democratic revolution against imperialism, bureaucrat capitalism and semi-feudalism.
The policy of US imperialism to the semi submission is the largest and most national subjugation or war. The plan of the imperialists is the partition of countries and new distribution based on military force and deployment in combat positions.They seek not peace, but subjugate peoples through capitulation by "peace accords" with only formalizes what won in the battlefield.
Without recognizing the semi-feudal character of our countries and, therefore, the need for agrarian war to solve it, you end up negating the need for the democratic revolution in the oppressed countries, the need to develop people's war as war unit-with main field city ​​and complement necessary, to end imperialism, bureaucrat capitalism and semi-feudalism. Also, without recognizing the semi-colonial and semi-feudal character, on which is a bureaucratic capitalism unfolds in the so-called Middle East is not possible to understand the character of national liberation struggle of their peoples against the various imperialist powers, his character of war resistance, just war, mainly against US imperialism but without neglecting the nuclear superpower, Russia, regardless of class forces currently run these armed struggles in the absence of communist leadership.

Second contradiction between proletariat and bourgeoisie.
The vast wealth produced socially growing steadily, but this wealth is appropriate privately by a handful of imperialists and the big bourgeoisie and landlords in third world countries. The result of all this are sharper and shorter in the last general crisis and imperialism, pushing the imperialist states entangled in wars of plunder for the redivision of the world cycles crisis.All this stirs the contradiction between proletariat and bourgeoisie's own imperialist nations.
On the one hand, it sustained economic crisis since 2008, which started as a financial crisis in USA- has been downloaded over the masses, also hit the proletariat of the imperialist countries, particularly in Europe, stoking acute struggle for the defense of the gains obtained throughout the twentieth century.
Moreover, the contradictions between bourgeoisie and proletariat have also stoked as a result of the migratory waves of thousands of war refugees and the poor in general who, fleeing the imperialist war and fierce exploitation and oppression of the semi-colonies, go to swell the ranks of the proletariat in these countries. The immigration wave and the "humanitarian tragedy" involved are also a necessity of monopolies in the imperialist countries themselves, which require lower production costs down wage levels for example, the reaction of German imperialism estimates that requires thicken workforce with 500,000 immigrants per year but also spewed through the media the danger of "terrorism" and the chauvinist hysteria promoted by encouraging racism and nationalism. the reactionary policy of the class divide between native workers and immigrant workers to avert the unified action of the proletariat class, so that it is not organized as a single class, with unique interests and ideology, politics and Communist Party promoted. Here it is also contradiction between revolution and counterrevolution and not between fascism and democracy "left" or "right". It is not this or that political system or form of government of bourgeois dictatorship, but to end this dictatorship of the bourgeoisie over the proletariat and the people in these imperialist countries through socialist revolution, which has to be done through people's war.
This contradiction within the imperialist nations also-and sharpens this is characteristic of the current phase of decomposition-because the outrages of all kinds committed by imperialist states against the oppressed nations, particularly US imperialism, come increasingly impacting within the imperialist countries themselves. The pitiless mass killings by aerial bombing, use of drones against civilians, the stigma of "terrorist" placed all belligerent force that opposes the national subjugation have become commonplace as part of the imperialist war. This is done in countries where they have declared war and whose armed forces are denied such status and the right to war, but they do in countries where they carry out undeclared war or secret as Yemen and Pakistan. And they do so with impunity, against them because there is no international judges or courts that are worth. This imperialist war necessarily have to go home.
Moreover, in its own country, the systematic and continuous killing of members of the poorest masses by the repressive forces of Yankee state is part of the war against the proletariat and the American people, particularly against black people and immigrants from Third World. The face of oppression, the masses rise up in rebellion and weapons that were given to massacre the masses in the oppressed nations are turning against their own oppressors.
In short, the main thing is that the movement against imperialist war will increase, joined the rebellion against the exploitation and oppression of the class and the growing misery of the masses. That is happening in all imperialist countries, especially China, France, but also in the United States, where the exploited and oppressed mass of the proletariat is made up of nearly 50 million proletarians from the countries of Latin America. Through this poor mass, the development of the class struggle with people's war in Latin America also impact the development of the class struggle of the proletariat for the conquest of power in the United States.

Third contradiction between imperialist powers and superpowers.
As Lenin taught, imperialism is not only one, but there are different imperialist countries. That is, powers and imperialist superpowers the world are divided according to their power relations, economic, political and military balance of power is changing every moment and operates in collusion and conflict.
The United States is currently the only hegemonic superpower. With the disintegration of the USSR socialimperialist in 1991, the economic burden of imperialist Russia was reduced to a comparable level of imperialist Italy, while maintaining its character atomic superpower. There are also the other imperialist powers such as Germany, Britain, France, Japan, China, Holland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Italy, Spain, etc., which in total are a handful of oppressor countries. Since the 1990s are in a new distribution of the oppressed countries they were under Soviet social imperialist. All events of any significance occurred since then in eastern Europe, war or no war, inthe so-called Middle East, the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan are part of this new deal.
The old struggle between the two superpowers, USA and the social imperialist Soviet Union has been transformed. The current world situation is marked by the US imperialist plan to develop blood and fire its war of aggression with an immediate goal -Siria- other -Irán- medium-term and strategic goal it is to wrest Russia its nuclear superpower status which still maintains, for which it uses partnerships, as appropriate, with the other imperialist powers such as Germany, France, England, etc., in order to subvert order in areas of influence of great strategic value for Russia. For its part, Russia struggles to preserve these areas, especially in Ukraine, Syria and Iran.
The flashpoint is currently located in the so-called Middle East, because control of this area, particularly on Syria and Iran, has great importance for US imperialism, not only because it means snatching the spheres of influence of Russia, but also because would allow secure its hegemonic status by accessing the strategic control of one of the key regions of the world oil supply almost all other imperialist powers, thus assuring a definite advantage in inter-imperialist competition. It is precisely this aspect that makes it difficult to align all other powers against Russia.
When the imperialists, either alone or in coalition, go against an oppressed country or against several of these Third World countries, at that time not only the main contradiction, but also the third contradiction between imperialist countries is expressed. And here when they want to violate their own agreements, its own international law, the principle of nonaggression, as the law is fulfilled for the other. Therefore peace, harmony between the imperialists are old stories retold, such as the 'super "," ultra-imperialism "," neo-imperialism "," neoliberalism "," neocolonialism "old theories aimed against the democratic revolution and against the national liberation struggles.
The imperialist scramble for taking the biggest slice of the cake is absolute and collusion with one another is on, this determines the circumstantial nature and passenger imperialist alliances; no "imperialist blocs." The second order imperialist powers scramble to become new superpowers and thus strive for world hegemony to occupy the place now holds the Yankee imperialism and impose through a new world war a new order and a new deal. The European Union is not a "European imperialism", but is alliance of Western European countries under the leadership of Germany to push for the division of the world.
Nor is there such a "block Russia-China" among them there are also disputes. Moreover, the social-China does not have a very important place in the new deal, because it has low offensive capability in relation to the other imperialist powers. With China still apply containment and premium collusion, it has its place as manufacturing of consumer products and capital allocation for different imperialist powers like the US, Japan, Germany and others.

Regarding the contradiction between socialism and capitalism, which corresponds to the entire era of the world proletarian revolution, in the current situation it operates in the ideological and historical terrain. From the camp of reaction, this contradiction is manifested in the general counterrevolutionary offensive, which goes into decline and currently points against wars of national liberation by means of the so-called "war on terror", which oppose the revolutionary counteroffensive it develops with people's war. In the field of revolution, the contradiction between socialism and capitalism is expressed in socialism as an idea lives in the struggles of the proletariat and peoples of the world. The clamor of the masses to reconquer the power is especially up in countries where there has been socialism perspective is expressed when veterans of the USSR who fought in World War II march with posters of Comrade Stalin and when the workers and peasants in China they rise on behalf of Chairman Mao. All these struggles are part of the complex process of restoration and counter. Socialism will be established there anyway and be with people's war, to continue the construction of socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Chairman Mao, an on lizando the development of the class struggle worldwide, realized that imperialism had entered a phase of aggravation of the general crisis that had opened the era of full sweeping away by the proletarian revolution, highlighting this would happen in the period of the "next 50 to 100 years." President Gonzalo developed this understanding, indicating that around 1980 entered the strategic offensive of the world proletarian revolution, the strategic task is delayed the constitution or reconstitution of the Communist Parties, as appropriate, on the basis of Marxism Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, to initiate and develop people 's wars in all countries of the world as a global people 's war. We must reaffirm these important theses and resolutely combat all attempts of the reaction and revisionism that sow confusion, serve the dispersion of the communist movement and spread the communist movement of national liberation struggles.
the field for the revolution and the people's war is cleared. In Latin America, the governments of Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, etc. They have entered decay, dragging all sorts of opportunists and revisionists who have supported and defended as alleged "anti-imperialist" governments, "progressive", "revolutionary", etc. This setback also apply to the Cuban revisionism, which has supported and used to support all these governments, that far from being "left" as it airs opportunism, revisionism and other reactionaries are governments in each country, heads the bureaucratic faction of the big bourgeoisie in the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee. It is also an expression of this final decomposition agreement "peace" between the armed revisionism and the government of Colombia to try to delegitimize the democratic path, the People's War, with parliamentary cretinism and continue holding the bureaucratic way of reaction and imperialism .
The military confrontation between revolution and counterrevolution in the world imposes on us the indispensable task of combating imperialism and reaction while fighting relentlessly to new revisionism, rejecting opportunism and parliamentary cretinism, and educating the masses in revolutionary violence and to distinguish friends from enemies, so they can free up their powerful energies in the revolutionary struggle. For this it is necessary to acquire fully understanding Maoism as a universal ideology and in the midst of the struggle of two lines, assume, embody and apply it to the revolution in each country, creating the guiding ideology and the leadership of each revolution, all this in the middle the highest form of the class struggle, popular war.
It is a must struggle against the new revisionism that attacked Marxism, the party, revolutionary violence, socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat, the most systematic form was organized in Peru as a right opportunist line, revisionist and capitulationist, rabidly negating headquarter of gonzalo thought people's war and democratic revolution. It must be fought relentlessly in whatever form it is presented, as are its variants representing Avakian, Prachanda and other revisionists.

Popular wars are needed to confront the revolution and imperialist war
The objective situation globally develops and everywhere conditions are ripe for revolution. As noted by Chairman Mao in 1958, imperialism is still alive, and Yankee imperialism, as sole hegemonic superpower and counter-revolutionary gendarme mundial- is the main enemy of the peoples of the world; It makes and breaks even in Africa, Asia and Latin America;semicolonies still occupies by force deploys military bases and imposes the predatory war; It is still oppressing the masses in their own country. And this is even more acute today than 60 years ago. But this same situation is also becoming increasingly unsustainable and it is inevitable lifting more than 90 percent of the world population against imperialism and the reactionaries, and this, in hard struggle and uneven development, is already underway as a second great wave of world proletarian revolution.
As Maoists, we are in favor of the thesis of Chairman Mao's "three worlds delineate ', which conceives the one hand, the fundamental distinction between imperialist and oppressed nations by imperialism and, secondly, that between the imperialist contradictions exist, they move in collusion and conflict, where the struggle is absolute and collusion is transitory, because the struggle is imperialist carve-up of the spoils that we are the oppressed countries.
Thus we see how the first world is being redefined, which is expressed in how it is causing the collapse of the only hegemonic superpower, Yankee imperialism, in a long process with passing inflorescences and relapses. We also see how the atomic superpower, Russia, seeks to recover the long term and how the other imperialist powers of second order his heels, in the process of sweeping away / subsidence that is imperialism for world revolution, whose base is the third World countries.
The current situation confirms the statement by Chairman Mao regard to Asia, Africa and Latin America are areas of revolutionary storms and base of the world proletarian revolution, and also confirms indicating President Gonzalo regarding the Third World now extends to Europe.
The dispute between the imperialists will intensify more and our countries are the spoils of dispute. There will be increasingly bitter struggle between the monopolies of financial capital, sometimes violent and sometimes non-violent, but violent mainly because imperialism is war and political reaction all along the line. It is struggle for export markets for capital and extraction of raw materials and other natural and cheaper labor force resources, that is the interest of the imperialist monopolies and that is the interest of their states. This is the economic base of the wars of aggression of imperialism against the oppressed countries, their true character is that of predatory wars for the redivision in a broad scenario that-among other scenarios-ranging from Central Asia to sub-Saharan Africa and It will be extended further. Only by understanding it is possible to recognize the character of predatory imperialist war against the oppressed peoples and nations, as we are seeing in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mali, Syria, Libya, etc. This same predatory war unleashed the wrath of the people, rising in powerful armed struggle and lead to political, moral and therefore imperialist military quagmire, which, seen in perspective, are nothing more than paper tigers.
All this creates better objective conditions for world revolution. Only the revisionists and opportunists can pretend to deny calloused greater maturity of the objective conditions in all countries, particularly in the oppressed countries, which are the basis of the world revolution and booty redivision up.
All the fundamental contradictions of today's world are sharpened, but particularly the historically principal contradiction between oppressed nations on one side and the other imperialist nations, and the third contradiction is exacerbated inter-imperialist. But the imperialist war of aggression has to reverberate in the imperialist countries themselves, as is already happening with the sharpening of the class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Thus, it is understood that the center of the storm is in the oppressed nations, but should also constitute or reconstitute communist parties in the imperialist countries themselves initiate and develop people's wars.
The masses are rising in rebellion around the world, there is greater collapse of imperialism and it becomes entangled in a complex series of wars that will definitely swept the global revolution in the period from 50 to 100 years. This is the stage of strategic offensive of the world proletarian revolution, advancing in a new great wave formed by wars of resistance and people's wars, where the latter are the main thing in perspective.
Only from what provided by Chairman Mao can understand the current situation of countries called Broader Middle East as Syria, where two contradictions which three forces are intensified. The two contradictions are: 1) the contradiction between oppressed nations and imperialist nations, principal contradiction and 2) the inter-contradiction, secondary contradiction.The three forces are: 1) US imperialism, only hegemonic superpower, main enemy, and their temporary allies; 2) nuclear superpower, Russia, and their temporary allies; 3) the attacked country, Syria, including all classes and national minorities, except for a handful of traitors supporters of the theory of national subjugation. Although the just struggle of resistance is carried by the masses heroically and should be supported by all revolutionaries, this is still the weak force. To make it strong and secure the prospect of effective liberation of the masses is essential proletarian leadership. This calls the communists of Syria reconstitute its Communist Party in the crucible of armed struggle, to build a united front of national resistance against imperialist occupation under the slogan "death to the invader!" And, after the expulsion of foreign aggressor , continue the national democratic revolution to completion, all through people's war. Also for the Communists the world the slogan "Down with the imperialist war of aggression! Death to the invaders! "Should be taken firmly and push through people's wars to show the way, serve to develop the world proletarian revolution.
The glorious people's wars in India, Peru, the Philippines and Turkey threaten to set fire to whole meadow. Popular wars, despite a thousand difficulties, are showing that the imperialist bandits are the real terrorists, the masses are the true heroic builders of a new world. Popular ongoing wars are part of the powerful east wind continues to blow to sweep imperialism of the earth and should be strongly supported.
To develop the world proletarian revolution most popular wars, popular war needed to confront the imperialist war, to make the democratic revolution and to the socialist revolution. To this must be constituted or reconstituted Communist parties in each country, as appropriate, applying taught by Lenin about going to the deepest and most profound masses, educate them in the practice of revolutionary violence, sweeping the colossal heap of garbage and the unrelenting fight against opportunism and revisionism.
This is a process full of vicissitudes of life and death struggle between Marxism and revisionism, between left and right.Revisionists, rightists and all type of reaction agents seeking to deny the advance of Maoism, the new great wave of world proletarian revolution and the current stage of strategic offensive of the world revolution and, with it, serve reactionary interests. It is necessary to crush all those positions that try to deny the existence and gravity of three fundamental contradictions at international level and in particular, the principal contradiction, that between the oppressed nations and the imperialist nations.
The people's war is necessary in all countries and continents to carry out the revolution in each country and as a world people's war to sweep imperialism from the face of the earth and continue the march to communism. And since the people's war is the war of the people encompassingly led by the Communist Party, the central and principal task is to constitute or reconstitute the Communist parties, as applicable, on solid foundations Marxist-Leninist-Maoist is clear where yet it has not started the war and strengthen popular Marxist-Leninist-Maoist basis for developing the popular war for the conquest of power where they are already started, as the only guarantee to overcome difficulties and bring the revolution to the end.
The historical experience of the international communist movement has shown that whenever a revolution breaks out in an oppressed country, the big bourgeoisie and the landlords of that country not only oppose desperately, but ally with the power of the various imperialist powers and try to suppress the revolutionary movement by the alliance of local and foreign reaction and revisionism. This requires implement firmly proletarian internationalism, supporting the struggle of the fraternal parties and deepening the two-line struggle within the international communist movement on the basis of criticism and self-criticism and putting forward the desire for unity, protect prevail at all times the revolutionary line. The steps that are taking place by the parties and organizations of this V Meeting of Parties and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organizations in Latin America are important in this regard and are specific elements that provide the necessary task of reconstituting the Communist International on the basis of Maoism and popular war.
For this we need constantly to deepen our understanding and application of Maoism as our only guarantee of victory, amid the class struggle and the struggle of two lines, and in light of the historical experience of the international communist movement. Only then can we give the fight against deviations from right and "left", guide the revolutionaries fundamental contradictions are not "between bourgeois democracy and fascism" or "between revolution and reform," but reaffirm the main lesson extracted by Marx of the glorious days of the Paris Commune, that the people do not serve you simple changes of government, nothing useful will get to participate in the old state, but only get real victories toppling the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and its reactionary allies and establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat, which the Great Lenin and Chairman Mao masterfully summarized as: 'except the power, all is illusion "and" political power grows out of the gun'.

Comrades, in 1848 Marx and Engels issued this great call: "Workers of all countries, unite". Since then this slogan inspired fighting proletarian struggles around the world and has guided the path of emancipation.
When the historical stage of imperialism began, Lenin issued this great call for these new historical conditions: "Workers of all countries and oppressed nations, unite" with which joined the proletarian movement for building socialism with struggles national liberation in the colonial and semicolonial countries.
Today US imperialism, the main enemy of the peoples of the world, still wreaking havoc across the globe and continues earning the hatred of the peoples of the world, who want their liberation and rise in resistance. As communists, we have a duty to fulfill our journey more firmly to direct the latent power of the peoples of the world against that giant with feet of clay, uniting all anti-imperialist forces with the call made by the President himself Mao Tsetung: "Peoples around the world, unite and defeat the US aggressors and all their running dogs! People around the world, be courageous, dare to fight, Defy difficulties and advance in waves. So the world will belong to the people. The monsters of all kinds will be settled. "
Long live the New Great Wave of the World Proletarian Revolution!
Down with imperialism and all its lackeys! Crush revisionism!
Long live the people's war!
Honor and glory to the Communist heroes!
Defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo!

Communist Party of Brazil (Red Faction)
Communist Party of Ecuador - Red Sun
Peru People's Movement (Reorganization Committee)
Red Faction Communist Party of Chile
Revolutionary People's Front of Bolivia MLM
Maoist organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Colombia
Red Flag Committee - Germany

Committees for the Foundation of the Communist Party (Maoist) of Austria

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