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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

US news mainstream media sanitizes the war against ISIS—yet exposes war crimes in Syria

By សតិវ ​អតុ
Lately I’ve seen a lot of pictures of the damage being done in Aleppo, Syria on my TV and in print media. We are also hearing a lot about the atrocities being committed by Syrian Troops. And in that country we are seeing lots and lots and lots and lots of pictures of the destruction of Aleppo and the suffering of its people.
But we have seen way less of the destruction of Mosul, which is presently controlled by ISIS (Islamic State) and is under siege by Iraqi and US troops. Today the US mainstream press is in full cooperation with the military when it covers these modern day military conflicts. The Military heavily censors what the press can report and show. But they are free to show the suffering caused in Syria by the Bashar al- Assad بشار حافظ الأس) forces and their Russian allies.
Our government doesn’t want the people here at home to lose that faith, appreciation and enthusiasm for our fighting boys as they cut down other people fighting over the major cities such as Mosul. After all, people might lose interest and stop waiving their flags and waiving those big Styrofoam hands that say “We’re Number One.”
But since Russia and Assad are considered bad guys, such realism of war’s destruction is just fine. We don’t mind people hating our enemies for war crimes. We don’t mind that we see what war really does as long as it is our adversaries committing it all.
As for actual pictures of the actual destruction the US does, we have to go to the news media of other countries such as China. For example and This week In Asia can actually show us scenes from this war.
Many of us are not fooled by our US news media and we need to do everything we can to expose the reality of the US war in Iraq and Syria. The same atrocities are being committed in Iraq and the US people need to see it.
Scenes from the destruction of Mosul.

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