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Friday, August 30, 2019

Celebrating 50 years Since Naxalbari : From Nagi Reddy Line to C.P.R.C.I (ML)

Today is the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Communist Party Re-Organization Centre of India (Marxist-Leninist)Its formation 25 years ago was a historical landmark in the consolidation of the mass line. Even if not quantitatively as large or impactful or nowhere compared to the C.P.I. (Maoist) qualitatively it had the best or most correct revolutionary alternative .Arguably in areas of practice it practiced mass line more than any other group, like in Orissa and Punjab.I would recommend all cadres to read al the past issues of journal 'The Comrade' now published on Mao thought section of "Banned Thought' which now hardly comes out. Of great significance is its documents on path of protracted peoples war and line on elections as well as practice within mass organizations. It had it's origin in the line of Tarimela Nagi Reddy and Devulapali Venkateswara Rao who formed the Unity Centre of Communist Revolutionaries of India.
Arguably the unity of 4 organizations into the Communist Party Re-Organization Centre of India (M.L.) was the most qualitative advance in the building of the proletarian revolutionary mass line. Of great significance are their documents on mass line on the agrarian revolution and protracted peoples war, correct evaluation of fascism in India, proletarian line on nationality question and International line. Most dialectically refuted the capitulationism line of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.
The complex debate in India lies in whether subjective factors exist in India today to undertake the peoples armed struggle or peoples war, even if Objective conditions exist. The dominant trend in the Maoist camp worldwide and in India believe that it exists and only the C.P.I.(Maoist) is on the correct path. No doubt they have had considerable achievements and development in regions like Dandakaranya or even Jharkhand but still we cannot claim that base areas have been established, or people are independently running their own democratic institutions of power. In Orissa in the opinion of a leader of the Malkangiri Adivasi Sangh still conditions do not prevail to launch an armed offensive and armed actions of squads cannot combat the repression unleashed on the masses. He felt that many squad cadre even withdrew to seek employment in administration and many actions were obstacles to development of the democratic movement. In his view the Maoist forces compromised with Essar company striking a deal of compromise or negotiations. and also at times tried to disrupt the open May day meetings. In Punjab there is still a trend of Maoist forces soft-pedaling with Sikh separatist or fundamentalist politics for the cause of Punjabi nationality which is eclectic. There is also a trend of running democratic mass organizations as front organizations by some sections.
What is significant was the demarcation from the left adventurist sectarian character of the Charu Mazumdar line and from the rightist trends of Chandra Pulla Reddy-Satya naranya Singh or revisionist Vinod Mishra line etc.
In earlier periods there were comrades who greatly admired the theoretical line of the C.P.R.C.I.(M.L.) and praised the mass line approach of the Lok Morcha and the Malkangiri Adivasi Sangh. On my visits to Punjab I have witnessed considerable practice of mass line like in April in the event commemorating centenary of Jallianwallah Bagh and the election campaign of the peasant organizations of landed and landless labour. There are strong critiques who claim that their line is economist by not seriously taking up agrarian revolution or giving political shape or orientation to mass organization of student’s youth and peasants. However considering the situation prevailing the mass movement led by the organization shows considerable depth of revolutionary democratic practice and most appropriate forms of struggle undertaken in accordance to the specific situation faced.Although weakened in Malkangiri grassroots work is taking place for wining rights against alienation from land and opposing scrapping of acts which protected land rights of Adivasis. In West Bengal although not forming independent sectional mass organizations they had done qualitative wok in implementing mass line as fractions within yellow unions.
Still it has to creatively on theoretical and practical level apply Maoism in specific conditions of India, taking caste factor into account, particularly in light of preparation or practice of protracted peoples War. I recommend cadres to read the mass struggles supporting the orientation of the party in the journal "The Comrade" as well as the resolutions on formation of Communist International ,Resolution son Internal and International line ,Mass line in China etc. Particularly recommend reading reports on Commemoration of Maxillary martyrs in Rajjeana in 1996,Founding of Lok Morcha Punjab in 1996,Formation of the BKU(Ugrahan) in 2002 ,Struggle for plots of Landless labour reports in Punjab in 1998 and 2008 ,Padmigeri-Pandripani land struggle victory in Orissa in 1996,Struggle against HAMCO pipeline in 1998 and Struggle against pipeline in Malkangiri in 2003.,West Bengal trade Union struggle in 1995 and 1998.The struggle reports reveal great depth of preparation for struggles ,dividing them into specific stages.
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These articles reflect the personal views of Harsh Thakor DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIZATIONS…

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