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Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Russian Maoist Party: "War Thesis"

This is from Victory of the Oppressed26 February, 2022


In the ongoing conflict, the Russian Maoist Party (RMP) is taking a consistent anti-war and anti-imperialism stance against warmongers on both sides (NATO/EU and Russia), against Russia's imperialist aggression in Ukraine (the infamous " special military operation" that even war is a forbidden name), against the civil war in Ukraine (between Ukraine and Donbass) in the form of an "anti-terrorist operation" (ATO). Our point of view was adopted after a democratic discussion by a majority of all against one.

1. If the recognition of the DPR and LPR (note VO: refer to the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk)on the part of the Russian Federation was a true act of support for the inhabitants of Donbass, it would have happened in 2014. But eight years of silence and indifference, which the guards today accuse the opponents of the war, took place precisely on the part of imperialism Russian, who needed the war in Donbass as an asset to put pressure on Ukraine, which fell outside his orbit of influence. The words about the alleged support for the “national liberation movement” in eastern Ukraine by the Russian government are just as false as the promises not to attack neighboring states, not to raise the retirement age, etc. And the regime, which has set itself the goal of destroying the right of nations to self-determination and cherishes the dream of reviving the Russian Empire, cannot, by definition, be a defender of the oppressed (by the way, what about the recognition of Kosovo, Transnistria, Artsakh?). In reality, the stronger the long-term bloodshed in Donbass, the more profitable it was for the Putin regime to blame the neighbors and, instead of a peaceful settlement in eastern Ukraine, to prepare for a large-scale aggression. scale.

2. For eight years, the DPR and the LPR, instead of true people's republics, became puppet formations with the total domination of Russian capital with political space purged in the Russian way, only in a more radical way, and the omnipotence of paramilitary formations. Actually, this is how the Kremlin needs them, not as free democratic states, but as "gray areas". And their "reconnaissance" became part of a special operation to capture and turn the whole of Ukraine into something similar.

3. Apparently, the Kremlin expects a blitzkrieg, which should culminate in the establishment of a puppet regime in Kiev. This "denazification" operation, however, will lead to a rise in nationalist and anti-Russian sentiment in the occupied country and turn it into a Yugoslavia of the 1990s. Let us remember that NATO's invasion of Yugoslavia in 1999 was also "justified" by the need to overthrow the Milosevic regime, which was bombing Kosovo. They even called it "humanitarian intervention."

4. Western imperialism, with its sanctions against the Russian Federation, denies military assistance to Ukraine, despite "political" support from Kiev, apparently fearing the nuclear status of the aggressor and the unpredictable actions of Putin, if cornered by more decisive actions and entry into open warfare. Most likely, US and especially EU imperialism will adopt a wait-and-see attitude, forcing the Kremlin, repressed by “soft” economic sanctions, to settle long-term on the hydrocarbon trade issue. on your terms. It is possible that in the future negotiations will begin in the spirit of «gasoline at our price in exchange for Ukraine with its administration». That is, Ukraine in this situation will once again be a victim of collusion between the imperialists.


5. Those leftists who now support Russian aggression are making a mistake. The same mistake of those who in recent years rejoiced at the death of civilians in the Donbass, went through the geopolitical meat grinder. It is possible that Putin and his capitalist-bureaucratic regime, which has proclaimed itself the "true" decommunizer of Ukraine, and if the current adventure is successful, will dismantle the state and sovereignty not only in one country, but also try to restore imperialist Russia. 2.0 in other “historic” territories. Given this, it is obvious that Russian imperialism is interested not in "denazification" but in the enslavement of peoples. How this will look can be understood by looking at the situation of the working masses in Russia, where the police, the normalization of torture, the dismantling of remaining rights and freedoms, censorship, the actual destruction of the autonomy of national republics, the imposition of clericalism, discriminatory archaic values ​​such as the attack on feminism, the defeat of human rights movements, and the systemic phobia of migrant, together with collusion with the extreme right, is everyday life. . In other words, believing that the Russian Federation is actually "de-Nazizing" Ukraine is like casting out the devil.

6. Today, the true communists are those who constantly defend a democratic peace between Russia and Ukraine, and are not the echoes of Kremlin imperialism. Building a mass anti-war movement should become one of the main points of activity for all progressive and left forces to unite the working and oppressed peoples of Russia and Ukraine in the struggle against aggression, further dismantle the despotics and build a new world without wars, capitalists and oppressors. And the social-chauvinist support of the Kremlin in any form is a contribution to the impoverishment of the Russians, because under the sanctions the oligarchs will wage war, which is expected to harm the people,

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