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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Black History Month-Donald DeFreese

Our final tribute to Black history month is to Donald DeFreeze, also known as Cinque Mtume or Field Marshal Cinque. He was the leader of the American guerrilla group Symbionese Liberation Army, in the early 1970s.
The group was small, probably not numbering more than 30, with a few hundred supporters. The group had an emblem, a seven headed Cobra, they used. DeFreeze picked it because it symbolized the seven principles of Kwanzaa, with each head representing a principle. He was the only black person in the organization
They became world known for kidnapping media heiress Patty Hearst.
The SLA moved to Southern California to try and recruit from the Black Community there. Instead they were discovered by police in a safe house. Police had a shoot out with them. The house was set on fire and cops let it burn to the ground. Some witnesses claim some members of the group tried to surrender but where shot down. The Fire Department was prevented from putting out the fire to make sure all inside where killed. Not all members where killed, but the major leaders in the SLA were lost and the groups soon fell apart. No political leftist group has tried such an armed rebellion since that time. -សតិវ​ អតុ

Anonymous - What happens if we go to war with IRAN? A Warning.

Monday, February 27, 2012

If gas is so high—why are Kansas vehicles so big?

From Wichita Peace and Freedom Party Examiner;

In a recent letter to the editor of The Wichita Eagle a woman described the differences between the Tea Party movement and Occupy. Besides claiming the Occupiers looked like they either didn’t have a job or didn’t have a full-time well paying job, she also pointed out that Tea Party people drove SUVs.
So apparently it is important for a conservative to show they have wealth and are politically correct by buying an SUV or something as large or larger. I’m sure some people actually have a need for a larger than average size personal vehicle, but I can’t help wondering if some of them are driving those as a political statement. About half the vehicles I see on the Streets of Wichita are SUVs, large pickup trucks and some type of small buss.
Some people, such as farmers, or contractors do need a pickup truck for their business. But the ones that look so shiny they look as if they can’t be touched by human hands, I have to wonder if they are just for looks.

When our soldiers go off to war they often say they are preserving the American way of life. We do have two army bases in Kansas, Ft. Riley and McConnellAir Force Basel. I wonder if those soldiers notice that the people in the news footage we see in Iraq and Afghanistan don’t live in fancy suburbs, they live in concrete or mud houses that don’t look all that fancy. And those towns rarely have streets full of SUVs. So the soldiers are fighting for the American way of life, which seems to be denied those subjected to living in these war zones. I remember seeing Iraqis who were in line for rationed gas for their small cars. We had plenty of gas in the US. Since so many soldiers came home after loosing limbs, arms and legs, for our access to the world’s major oil sources, I guess we can literally say that gas in this country costs an arm and a leg.
Gas prices go up, yet the cars we make and drive get bigger and bigger. Conservatives have laughed off global climate change, peak oil predictions and they have supported a tar pipelines that will leak the equivalent of sewage to increase our domestic oil supplies. They have called for off shore drilling even after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill which was a major disaster and experts that claim the drilling will make very little difference.
So why do they need to drive such big cars at a time like this? It seems as if some of these people do it to scoff at the liberals and leftist they hate so much for trying to put restrictions on their arrogant lifestyles.
If the conservatives have their way, it seems as if neither war against poor countries or damage to the environment will stop the SUVs. These people are selfish, arrogant, and they put their own comfort before anything or anyone else.

How much does this Ford Escape cost?
Pix. An arm and a leg—

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Another song for Black History Month;

Afghanistan is not a tamed puppet yet

It isn’t easy being an imperialist army trying to enforce a puppet government that refuses to accept your fake government or values.

The Burning of the Koran copies was a big mistake. If our soldiers had a better understanding of the local religion they wouldn’t have done that. They would have sent them here and burn them in private. Then again how would we feel if an invading Islamic army or one in the Middle-east burned a bunch of Bibles in the news? We would have ministers and church goers going crazy.
In Afghanistan there have been rights; some protesters hoisted the white Taliban flag; and According to Yahoo! News:

“One civilian was killed, 15 more were wounded and three policemen injured in riots near the NATO base in northern Kunduz province, where the blast that wounded the Americans took place, regional police chief Samihullah Qatra told reporters.
NATO confirmed there had been an explosion outside one of its bases in northern Afghanistan, but declined to comment on casualties.
The protests have killed 30 people and wounded 200, including two other U.S. troops who were shot dead by an Afghan soldier who joined rallies in the country's east.”

Add to that, there are Maoist in that country and they are taking their place in the resistance. There seems to be a temporary alliance against all who fight against the US in Afghanistan. The Barack Obama regime is planning to pull all troops out of Afghanistan the next two years and NATO has been pulling back from combat operations. They may have to learn the hard way, some countries can’t be caged. -សតិវ អតុ

On Revolutionary Struggle in AfghanistanA Special Event With a Supporter of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan 
The Maison Norman Bethune bookstore is proud to welcome a supporter of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan who will speak about the revolutionary struggle being waged in that country.
For over ten years, this party firmly sided with the oppressed masses fighting against the invasion and occupation of their country by the US-led imperialist troops. Today, the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan continues to support the independent popular resistance under the banner of the revolution, as part of the world revolution.
In genuine internationalist spirit, the evening will be an exceptional opportunity to learn more about the struggle of the Afghan people and the role of the Maoists in the resistance to imperialist occupation.
Friday, March 2 at 7pm
1918, rue Frontenac
Montréal (métro Frontenac)
Free admission • Info: 514 563-1487
* * *
Promote Revolutionary Struggle in Afghanistan!
In the spirit of international solidarity and in commemoration of International Women's Day, the Revolutionary Student Movement, student division of the Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee, invites you to our fundraising party. The theme of this social event is Communist "Dance" Party, so we hope you bring your dancing shoes as well as a friend or two. As part of our International Women's Day activities, a comrade from Afghanistan, who is supporting revolutionary movements, will deliver a short presentation on the people's struggles, and in particular, the challenges facing the liberation of women in Afghanistan. We kindly ask that you RSVP by February 28th at to help us in our preparations for the evening.
Sunday, March 4 at 7pm
A Space Gallery, 401 Richmond, Toronto
Presented by the Revolutionary Student Movement & the Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee-Toronto. Supported by the International League of People's Struggle & Basics News.


From Socialist Worker.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

US and NATO stay out of Syria

There has been a loud call from liberals and conservatives calling for action in Syria against President Bashar al-Assad/بشار حافظ الأسد‎ and his regime. They have allegedly been shelling and bombings civilian targets. Once again we see people holding signs for reporters that say “help us.” It looks like déjà vu-Libya all over again. The US and NATO will talk of simple air strikes and help for the rebels, the UN will call for Assad to step down and then a full scale war with a NATO puppet regime.
In Libya there was a lot of killing of opposition people and pro-Qaddafi supporters after the rebels took Libya. That was overlooked since the US and much of Europe had it out for years with Muammar Gaddafi/ معمر محمد أبو منيار القذافي. Now his oil was ripe for the western countries to lute.
Some groups have actually supported Assad. Others have called him the equivalent of an imperialist lackey. The innocent people asking for help are like people waiting to jump into a crocodile infested river to escape a lion attack. The US and NATO will be glad to take over Syria and wipe out all those in the government as it did in Libya, but those people are being asked to be pawns of Imperialism. They may get some early relief from the war, but they will lose any possibility of sovereignty or democracy.
There may be some progressives wanting to over throw Assad.  And his government doesn’t look good bombing civilians. That is unacceptable behavior. However we must all unite against any US or NATO involvement in Syria. Let the people there and Arab countries around them work this problem out. Don’t let Syria become another NATO puppet regime.   -សតិវ​អតុ

The following was sent to Kasama by A World to Win News Service. (February 13, 2012)
The U.S. military has “begun to review potential military options” in Syria, according to the New York Times. (February 11, 2012) An unnamed American military official told this authoritative newspaper, “We’re looking at a whole range of options, but as far as going to one course of action, I haven’t seen anything.” The report says the “possible options” that would be considered include “everything, including humanitarian assistance, army rebels, covert actions, airstrikes, deploying ground troops or doing nothing.”
….That revolt, Salameh Kaileh, a prominent Arab Marxist from Palestine living in Syria, told AWTWNS in an interview last August, was unleashed by the middle strata in the countryside. In smaller provincial cities, it now involves all social classes, including the merchants and local capitalists, Kaileh said.
…….As Kaileh said, the U.S. was now seeking regime change, but a controlled regime change, hoping to avoid unleashing uncontrollable forces, including the masses of Syrian people themselves, that might lead to an outcome that would destabilize the whole U.S.-dominated structure of the region, including the regimes in neighboring Turkey and Jordan.
“Following the Tunisian and Egyptian model, this change (sought by the U.S. in Syria) would not be a radical one but a change within the regime itself,” Kaileh said. One possible form would be a split within the power structure, particularly the armed forces, and a coup, spurred on by or even possibly brought about by foreign military intervention.

For the rest click here.

CANADA-Week of Solidarity with the Revolution in India

As part of the global Week of Solidarity with the Revolution in India, a rally was held in Ottawa on January 21st. Demonstrators led by the Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada (PCR-RCP) marched through the streets of Vanier, a working class neighbourhood.
The Week of Solidarity with the Revolution in India was called for by the International Committee in Support to the People's War in India, which regroups various Maoist, anti-imperialist and democratic forces. It happened a few weeks after the brutal killing and torture of Indian Maoist leader Kishenji. Revolutionaries marched to the Indian high commission and expressed support for the Indian Revolution and outrage at the anti-people actions of the Indian government and the atrocities brought about by Operation Green Hunt, an anti-Maoist offensive.
Upon reaching the high commission, speeches were given by members of the PCR-RCP as well as the International League of Peoples' Struggle. The demonstration ended with the singing of the Internationale, and then a second march away from the high commission. Among other groups that attended were the Marxist Students' Associations of the University of Ottawa (UOMSA) and Carleton University (CMSA), the Toronto-Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee (PRAC) and the Revolutionary Student Movement (MER-RSM).
Estimates of the PCR-RCP suggested that around 75 people participated in the rally, with several joining en-route. This demonstration was one of more than 100 actions that took place around the world as part of the week of solidarity. Demonstrators suggested that it was important for them as Canadian revolutionaries to not only show support for the struggling masses of India but also to challenge Canadian imperialism at home, which seeks to halt anti-imperialist movements in India and elsewhere. Lal Salaam!
–> Video from the demonstration: Part 2Part 3.

Part 1;
Demonstration outside the Indian Embassy in Ottawa, Saturday, January 21 PCR Canada

Friday, February 24, 2012

Occupy Koch Town shows the Occupy Movement is not over


For those interested, the Occupy movement is going strong and it is not going away as some naysayers are predicting. Last week’s Occupy Koch Town was a big success. Speakers, music and films were featured for two days. Demonstration where held both Friday and Saturday. The Friday March was small, maybe 15 people. Saturday there were about 200 marchers.
People came from all over the Mid-west, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Missouri. They came from different cities such as Lawrence Kansas, Omaha Nebraska, and Kansas City.
There were some elaborate displays; such a replica of the oil pipeline, Mike Shatz of Wichitadrenched himself in chocolate to look like he was covered in oil. A girl carried a cardboard oil well tower and another girl covered herself in vines and flowers.
There were many signs against the Koch brothers and their support for the tar sand oil pipeline and their buying of democracy. The only snag of the march was when the police chased marchers from the Century II building which was holding its commercial “Women’s Fair.”
The police told them it was private property. Then a woman came out and told said it was private property. I told her the city owns it and she said she rented it. Some marchers argued with the police that Century II is publicly owned and paid for by tax dollars. A policeman just kept saying “This is private property.”
Janice Bradley gave a speech on the steps of the Chamber of Commerce Building:
“The Chamber recently honored a war criminal across the street (pointing to the Century II building). George Bush is a war criminal. She and the crowd chanted“Shame on the Chamber,”
“The further we go down this road of spending, the more people will expect to be given a living instead of being rewarded for what they produce,” Charles Koch told The Wichita Eagle.
According to Otto’s War Room:
“This is an example of the stereotype he and those like him have created to scapegoat poor people for this country’s problems. He claimed the growth of entitlement programs have driven up the deficit, which is an outright lie. The entitlement programs have been steadily reduced since the Ronald Reagan administration and NO ONE has added to them. It was George W. Bush he drove up deficit spending on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and those wars and new ones are running up the deficit.”
This was a major event for Wichita, Kansas, but such events are taking place all along the country in such cities as Seattle, where Occupy people called for National Day of Action Against Chase Bank.
This Picture is from The Kasama Project.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Another Republican debate

One more time the candidates are trying to cater to white middle and upper class bigots who hate Hispanics, immigrants and poor people.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Greece—the fight continues against the new occupation government By the KOE

We published text from KOE organisation that makes a militant struggle against Greek government, into popular revolt, but we have in different problems a different vision of struggle in greece today
1 - the  struggle in greece is before against greek government and greeck bourgeosie, that is part of europeans bourgeosie that together impose dicktat to proletarian and greek people
2 - the struggle in Greece demand assault to parliament and gouvernment for this it needs militant agree with youth rebel
3 .- popular revolt it is not the end but the beginning of people's war in greece for winning
February 2012

• Down with the coup of the Bailout Agreement, down with the illegal Papadimos’ government
• Overthrow the whole rotten political system
• Democracy, Independence, Productive Reconstruction, Emancipation
The Communist Organization of Greece salutes the hundreds of thousands of people who swamped Athens yesterday and protested throughout Greece, resolutely opposing the new bonds that the IMF-EU-ECB troika imposes. The Greek people proved their advanced readiness for combat, and showed increased endurance and courage facing the ruthless attacks of the “special police” forces. Despite the state terrorism and the blackmails of the establishment, the fighting spirit of the people against the new occupation and the tyranny is raging.
The new Bailout Agreement is imposed entirely as in a coup, by an illegal government, and “approved” by a parliament that has lost any legitimacy. The Papadimos’ puppet government, the three bourgeois pro-Agreement parties and the politicians who voted for and supported the new disastrous Bailout Agreement are continuously violating their own Constitution and the country’s sovereignty. Their whole political system is hence entirely illegitimate. They have definitively taken a divorce from the people, and must leave immediately.

For more click here.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New US wants new Subic Naval Base in the Philippines

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today assailed the US government for seeking to establish another Subic Naval Base in the Philippines, a little smaller perhaps, to service ships and troops being "rotated" in the Asia-Pacific region.
"US plans to setup a mini-Subic military base, service facility or exclusive dock in the Philippines have become increasingly apparent as officials of the Obama government announced it is going to rotate at least 3,300 troops from its Okinawa base in Australia, Singapore, Hawaii and the Philippines.

Testifying before the US Senate Armed Forces Committee, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the Obama government is working to forge an agreement with the Aquino regime similar with that forged with Australia allowing the US military to regularly dock American warships and maintain "rotational" presence.

For the rest click here.

Monday, February 20, 2012

President’s Day—Karl Marx to Abraham Lincoln

Address of the International Working Men's Association to Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America

We congratulate the American people upon your re-election by a large majority. If resistance to the Slave Power was the reserved watchword of your first election, the triumphant war cry of your re-election is Death to Slavery.
From the commencement of the titanic American strife the workingmen of Europe felt instinctively that the star-spangled banner carried the destiny of their class. The contest for the territories which opened the dire epopee, was it not to decide whether the virgin soil of immense tracts should be wedded to the labor of the emigrant or prostituted by the tramp of the slave driver?
When an oligarchy of 300,000 slaveholders dared to inscribe, for the first time in the annals of the world, "slavery" on the banner of Armed Revolt, when on the very spots where hardly a century ago the idea of one great Democratic Republic had first sprung up, whence the first Declaration of the Rights of Man was issued, and the first impulse given to the European revolution of the eighteenth century; when on those very spots counterrevolution, with systematic thoroughness, gloried in rescinding "the ideas entertained at the time of the formation of the old constitution", and maintained slavery to be "a beneficent institution", indeed, the old solution of the great problem of "the relation of capital to labor", and cynically proclaimed property in man "the cornerstone of the new edifice" — then the working classes of Europe understood at once, even before the fanatic partisanship of the upper classes for the Confederate gentry had given its dismal warning, that the slaveholders' rebellion was to sound the tocsin for a general holy crusade of property against labor, and that for the men of labor, with their hopes for the future, even their past conquests were at stake in that tremendous conflict on the other side of the Atlantic. Everywhere they bore therefore patiently the hardships imposed upon them by the cotton crisis, opposed enthusiastically the proslavery intervention of their betters — and, from most parts of Europe, contributed their quota of blood to the good cause.
For the rest click here.

President’s Day--Ulysses S Grant

He was the General under President ‘Abe Lincoln in the war to free the slaves. After that he was known as the drinking man’s president. He appointed his friends to cabinet offices and they looted the US treasury. However most historians think he was actually an honest man himself.
So here is to the president who is known for drinking AND freeing the slaves. -សតិវ​អតុ

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Black History—Black music

This is African American/Black History Month. As part of our contribution here are a few songs that try to help us get a perspective of how black people feel about America and its struggles in this society. Paul Robeson was a singer from the first part of the 20th century. Here he sings a song about the famous IWW organizer Joe Hill. Living Colour was a well known black metal band, from the last few decades of the 20th Century that wrote about the state of the US in many of their subjects.  -សតិវ អតុ


living colour - Which Way to America - Vivid

Paul Robeson, "Joe Hill"

Occupy Koch Town March—day 2

Saturday’s Occupy Koch Town march was very successful, even though the Kansas Policy Institute was closed and all the frightened workers were not there. This march went past the KPI, downtown past The Chamber of Commerce building to the Century II building and by the Bank of America Building.
There were about 200 people. They were from all around, Lawrence Kansas, Omaha Nebraska, Kansas City, and parts of Missouri. Most had there own Occupy movements and some seemed to carry anarchist symbols or IWW (International Workers of the World union) pins. Members of the local Democratic Socialist of America were there.
There were some elaborate displays; such a replica of the oil pipeline, a man drenched himself in chocolate to look like he was covered in oil. A girl carried a cardboard oil well tower and another girl covered herself in vines and flowers.
There were many signs against the Koch brothers and their support for the tar sand oil pipeline and their buying of democracy.
The only snag of the march was when the police chased us from the Century II building which was holding its commercial “Women’s Fair.”
The police told us this was private property. Then a woman came out and told us it was private property. I told her the city owns it and she said she rented it. Some of us argued with the police that Century II is publicly owned and paid for by tax dollars. He just kept saying “This is private property.”
Then they threatened to arrest an older marcher for allegedly saying obscenities. Everyone from out of town was amazed this city has an ordinance against using obscenities in public. “What about free speech?” some of the younger protesters asked. Some of us also said “this is what a police state looks like.”
The police let the man go after another officer said they had the wrong person.
Janice Bradley gave a speech on the steps of the Chamber of Commerce Building:

“The Chamber recently honored a war criminal across the street (pointing to the Century II building). George Bush is a war criminal. She and the crowd chanted “Shame on the Chamber,”

According to KSN TV News;
“They believe there is more to the demonstration than just protesting the pipeline.
"They are using this as a way to promote their own political agenda and fund raise," says Holden. "I think that is all that is going on here.  They are not really interested in the truth."
Koch is right about us having a political agenda. We want their money out of politics. But we do want the truth. -សតិវ អតុ
A near arrest.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Occupy Koch Town begins—Marchers confront Koch

This was day 1 for Occupy Koch Town. Many speakers have been lined up to talk about the environment. The event started in the Grand Chapel on Broadway Street. Only a few people showed up for the march today, maybe 20. Most walked to the Koch Brother’s Kansas Policy Institute where a rally was held outside the building. When a few people came out on the bricks we were quickly told it was private property.
A few of us decided to go in and let them know we wanted to talk to the Koch Brothers. We were quickly told we could not come in by a woman in the lobby.
“This is private property you can’t come in here,” she said.
“Do you own this building?” a protester asked.
“No but I work here.”
“We wanted to talk to the Koch Brothers before we leave.”
“I’m going to call the police”
With in a few minutes the place had security all around and the people inside seemed to be in a panic.

. “The further we go down this road of spending, the more people will expect to be given a living instead of being rewarded for what they produce,” Charles Koch told The Wichita Eagle.
This is an example of the stereotype he and those like him have created to scapegoat poor people for this country’s problems. He claimed the growth of entitlement programs have driven up the deficit, which is an outright lie. The entitlement programs have been steadily reduced since the Ronald Reagan administration and NO ONE has added to them. It was George W. Bush he drove up deficit spending on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and those wars and new ones are running up the deficit.  
Koch claimed he had nothing to do with Scott Walker, yet a crank caller claiming to be one of the Koch’s was treated as a personal friend with a complete rundown of the strategy Walker planned to break all the unions.
This is just a sample of all the crap the local Eagle gave to the Koch brothers, who have their name on many buildings downtown and have spent $hundreds of thousands on the right-wing candidates of their choice.
-សតិវ អតុ

Friday, February 17, 2012

US hypocrisy seen once again in Bahrain/لبحرين‎

Did the US pay any attention to the protesters against the Bahrain/لبحرين protests? No. Our government and our mainstream press have gone to great lengths to make sure no one notices we support the oppression of a king, while the US supports protesters in Iran and Syria. Bahrain has a US military base in it and this country will turn its head every time that those there defend their rights. This has been dun just as they (US politicians and the press) have minimized and played down the Occupy movement as just a few kids having fun.

BAHRAIN PROTESTS - Crowds Return To Pearl Roundabout As Army/Police Withdraw

This weeks rally in Topeka against discrimination and greed

From  Wichita Peace and Freedom Party Examiner;

A rally drawing as many as 800 people from across Kansas came to the Capital on Wednesday to protest discrimination aimed at immigrants and poor people.
Many carried signs that said “No hate in my state.” Others called for democracy and another common theme was “People not Greed.”
About 1/3 to ½ were Hispanic people and their families.
One of the issues many people focused on is the new voter fraud law designed to make it hard for many people to vote in Kansas. Most people feel this new law, requiring an ID and birth certificate to get one if a person doesn’t drive, is just a pole tax designed to make it harder for immigrants and poor people to vote. At the rallies many speakers brought up the fact there has been very little voter fraud found in Kansas.
This action was put together by the Sunflower Community Action and Occupy Wichita. One major point of the rally was to as State Secretary Kris Kobach for records of what he has been doing since he took office. He makes $86,000 a year and yet he has time to travel around the country to promote anti-immigrant laws, such as his voter ID law and he has time to focus on supporting other candidates in other parts of the country.
 Kari Ann Rinker was one of many speakers on the steps of the Capital that day. She blasted the Kansas Congress for flooding the floor with ridiculous anti-abortion laws. She also focussed on Kobach and his traveling around the country and campaigning for others.
“We are going to ask for his phone record, appointment logs and travel logs,” Rinker said. “How can he be doing his job if he is gone most of the time?”
Busses of people came from Wichita and as far away as towns in Western Kansas.

 Protesters hold pictures of Congress-people who have taken large contributions from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). This PAC promotes many of the discriminatory laws that Governor Sam Brownback and Kobach have been supporting

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Italy—CARC, ASP, SLL, Thanks and news

Party of the Committees to Support Resistance – for Communism (CARC)
Via Tanaro, 7 - 20128 Milan, Italy - Tel/Fax 02.26306454
  Association for Proletarian Solidarity (ASP)
CP 380, 80133 Naples – Italy
e-mail: – sito:        
Struggling Workers Union (SLL)
Info: c/so Garibaldi 46, Naples, Italy – Tel. 081.287829 – Fax. 081.5637815 - e-mail: - website:


We thank all organizations and individuals who  mobilized themselves showing international solidarity with the Italian Communists on trial in Bologna on 8th February. We inform that the resistance against the repressive campaign poses serious difficulties for the project to destroy the freedom of expression and organization the Communists won in our country with the war of Resistance against Nazi fascism. The trial was postponed to 2nd May. We will keep you informed on the ongoing battle, confident in the growth of international solidarity.
It is important to inform you that the attack against the Communists, and in this case against the CARC Party continues in various forms. In many cities of Tuscany the CARC Party is leading protests against the hideouts from which came out the fascist Nazi murderer Casseri, who killed two Senegalese in Florence last December. On 11th February the Party organized such a rally against a fascist parade in the city of Massa. When coming back home, the leader of the Party Enrico Ricci was attacked by the fascists who have ambushed him as police closed behind him the way out. The fascists have struck the comrade in his head with murderous rage, and only the intervention of another comrade has prevented the worst. Only then the police intervened, attacking the comrade rushed to help our Party leader and wounding him.
The attack does not restrain us but actually it increases our determination to wipe out the fascists, behind which there is a government that is making havoc of the achievements and rights of the masses, which responds to the growing protests throughout Italy with police attacks and arrests.

We ask each of you to participate in the fight against fascism in these attempts to restore fascism ongoing in Italy, writing to the mayor of Massa so as follows:

We protest against the fascist attack on those who took part in the demonstration against the fascist hideout “Casa Pound” at Massa, against the police who defend the fascists, which leave them unscathed, intervening in support of them, and against all political and institutional forces who keep on not to recognizing and then disregarding the Constitution, which prohibits the apology of fascism and the reconstitution of fascist organizations. So, according to the institutional position you hold, please ensure respect for the Constitution and take the measures necessary for the closure of “Casa Pound” in this city, Gold Medal of the Resistance against Nazi fascism, that the citizens commissioned you to administer. We also ask you to take a stand on what happened on 11th February in support of those who, as institutions do not do it, move at its own risk for the Constitution to be respected and for preventing fascists from showing their abhorrent ideology, from reorganizing themselves and from killing.

Thanks, and long live the international anti-fascist solidarity!

CARC Party,