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Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Rev. Joe Wright – 10 years of being a major asshole in Wichita

According to The Wichita Eagle, January 22, 2006:

“We happened to notice the approach of an interesting anniversary: It was on Jan. 23, 1996, that the Rev. Joe Wright, senior pastor of Wichita’s Central Christian Church, delivered the prayer to the Kansas House that has been e-mailed and debated around the world. With lines such as “we have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle,” “we have rewarded laziness and called it welfare,” and “we have killed our unborn and called it choice,” the prayer has become a battle cry for many in the culture wars.”

Yes we have been locked in a culture war and it has not been a nice civilized debate. It has come down to a fight to the finish where the stakes are high. For those of us who hold nothing but contempt for Wright and his fascist fundamentalist Christians, it has been a battle for survival. He has bashed all non-Christians and whittled away at their rights as fast and hard as he can.

Here’s an expression he may appreciate and it comes from his worst enemies.

"To keep you is no gain, to get rid of you no loss!" - Communist Party of Kampuchea, cadre idiom on the "New people" (city people).

Rev. Wright, we don’t need you and you will never be a loss to us.

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